
Will gas prices go down when Obama becomes president?

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From the little understanding I have, gas prices are so high because of quite a few decisions that Bush made while in office.. So can a new president bringing CHANGE, lower gas prices, in any way?




  1. In your dreams.  Everything will go up if he is our President.  He will raise taxes, therefore all consumer goods will go up in price because the consumer is the one who pays the bill.  Do you really think all the companies in America are going to absorb their high taxes - NOT!

  2. no. gas prices will never go back down ...

    sucks doesn't it ... but the sooner we accept it, the sooner we can move past it and truly pursue alt energy, domestic drilling, nuclear power, etc

  3. Yes it will and will first slightly drop soon after the nomination. Political climate has alot to do with the prices, along with consumer confidense and supply/demand plus the tariffs.

  4. nope

  5. Before

  6. No but I'm still going to vote for him

  7. No, it isn't controlled by the government.

  8. I doubt any president can help. We are at the mercy of oil countries, and we will pay whatever they charge because we haven't dealt with the problem of dependency.

  9. no gas prices are not controlled by the government foreign oil companies cause the prices to go higher.  if anything they will go up cause of new taxes to help people who are to lazy to work for their own money, especially if he gets universal health care passed.

  10. God, i hope so!

    i saw a 76 station that had unleaded at $4.49!!!

    i hate driving in California.

  11. Both Clinton and Obama say they gas prices will go down you vote for them.  I suggest you vote for Obama though. I think he will do a better job as president.

  12. God forbid he ever becomes president.

    But if he does, heck no.

  13. i thought gas prices are higher because of the limited supply and overdemand....

  14. Bush didn't raise the gas prices, he's not making the oil companies gouge us because he has a major stake in them, and there's nothing the government can do to directly affect the price of gas short of reducing the taxes on them.

    The high gas prices are caused by supply and demand, OPEC limiting supply, the Federal Reserve creating inflation to deal with bubbles they created thus destroying the value of the dollar, Democrats for not letting us drill here, Republicans for multiple wars that have destabilized the Middle East, fuel hungry Americans buying large SUVs, China and India developing at a rapid rate, futures speculators, no new refineries being built since the 70's, the general public being too incompetent to realize the benefits and safety of nuclear power, people being unable to accept the idea of alternative fuels like compressed natural gas and clean diesel, lack of coal-to-liquid fuel, overfilling of the strategic petroleum reserves, Clinton's blocking of drilling in Alaska, and natural disasters.

    Obama won't reverse any of those things, and he can't wave a magic wand to make prices cheaper.

  15. No, but the rest of the economy will

  16. supposedly speculators and mutual fund traders drove them up BUT since the tree huggers/environmentalists have pushed our historically predominantly democrat controlled congress to enact laws to prohibit us from drilling our own vast oil resources (pacific ocean, gulf, alaska), and put so many restrictions on the building new oil refineries,  the answer is  complex. also we are getting much of our crude oil from Venezuela...which is ruled by a dictator who is packing his pockets with our money and helping cuba and Iran. Let me know if this info helped...  ps-----good question.


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