
Will gas prices will ever go down? I just paid $3.98 a gallon today and that's regular only.?

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Will gas prices will ever go down? I just paid $3.98 a gallon today and that's regular only.?




  1. i think the us should schedule a date where EVERYONE CALLS OFF WORK DUE TO NO GAS . . . I MEAN EVERYONE . . . NOT CAUSE YOUR SICK BUT BECAUSE WE HAD NO GAS . . . say the pilots didnt want to go along with the plan then the air traffic controlers dont show up there is still no flights . . . say public transportation officials dont pick people up THAT WILL LET THEM NO THAT WE ARE P!SSED OFF instead of being like oh dont pump gas this day or this day YOU WILL END UP PUMPING GAS EVENTUALLY but I THINK IF WE DONT SHOW UP TO WORK ON ONE DAY THAT WILL SHOW THEM TO LOWER OUR PRICES !

    let me know what you think of my idea @ and if we can get enough people to join this rebellion i will do something to organize it !

  2. Haha... NBC News.

    Yes gas prices will go down again. Much of what we're seeing in the market now is just speculation, but the upward trend is irreversible; the supply of oil is finite and if we haven't reached peak oil yet, it's definitely coming.

    Even $4/gallon in the US is a bargain compared to many other countries around the world.

  3. Gas prices will go down when the US dollar gains more value..... Congress has to stop spending money! They spend more cash than they take in driving the value of the dollar down on world markets.... Contact you congressman and tell him to stop spending and funding projects. Until they understand this you will have gas going higher, higher and higher......

  4. Nope. You got a good price. It's over $4. here. Vote Dem in Nov and make some desperately needed changes.

  5. Your lucky, I am paying $4.87 for diesel and $4.03 for regular.

  6. Some say that the price for a barrel drop back to $80 again sometime around next year. People are driving 11 billion less miles already in 2008, so companies are not selling as much as they use to. Just like the US government, the oil companies keep a reserve of oil, their reserves will eventually fill to capacity and they will be able to lower their prices. Also, if the oil companies are ever able to drill for oil on US soil or off the coast of Florida, the price will go way down because they will have more resources for fossil fuels.

  7. Here we are at 4.19. I'm waiting till we hit 10. lol

  8. your complaining because u payed 3.98?  in san mateo ca its 4.73 for a gallon of regular unleaded!

  9. Heh... that's nothing... we pay almost $8 for unleaded per US gallon.

    Location: Bratislava, Slovakia, Europe

  10. As long as you have an oil baron in the white house, you will pay thru the nose for oil.

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