
Will gas pricesgo down?

by  |  earlier

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gas prices are raising up outrageously. is it going to go down ever? and if is how much is it going to be? thank you

Please give me short answers not those bullshit answers =]




  1. Transportation prices will drop relative to food. Plenty of oil will be found and world population will crash.

    Invest in dry food such as spaghetti.

  2. years of cheap oil has caused population hypergrowth. the world is running out of resources for everyone to survive. you and i may have very well lived the best of times that anyone could. things are going to get bad from here.

  3. Here's a Non-BS answer: No.

    Gas prices go up. They always have, just like everything else.

    A car in 1965, was $3000. Now, the average car is around 20,000.

    That's just the way it goes.

  4. probably not.

    i would say that in the next two years, we're looking at prices ranging from $7 to $10 a gallon....which is definatly not a good thing....

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