
Will g*y or bisexual people go to heaven?

by  |  earlier

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Id love to know what you think.I do not pass judegement on g*y people, but Id love to hear everyones point of view on the topic.




  1. If these ones that are the way they are and finally have a humble heart and invite Jesus into their hearts and repent/'change their life-styles', and Believe that Jesus has saved them, then yes.

  2. I think they will :-)

  3. No.  Heaven is a fiction.

  4. They will be in heaven provided that they weren't spreading HIV and hepatitis.  Otherwise they're doomed to the other place!

  5. I will not give you my opinion I will give you the Word of God:

    Revelations 21:8     But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

    Whoremongers= all sexually immoral and without the Spirit of God.

  6. I believe so.

  7. In my bible it tells me that God will examine our hearts at the time of judgment. so my answer would be it is not based on if they are g*y or bi-sexual but on the content of their heart, how did they treat others...

  8. no.

    unfortunately it is a sin.

    just as lying is, or adultery is.

    people struggle with homosexuality just as they struggle with telling the truth or staying celibate. If they truly believe in God they will not  be homosexuals. They may struggle with desires but God can forgive them, God can get them through it.

    Its the same as any other sin when you think about it.

    People shouldn't make such a big deal of it.

  9. Jesus loves everyone!

    Homosexuality is a sin. And like all sins, homosexuality is forgiven completely when you believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

    The Gospel of Jesus Christ is this: The truth is that the only way to be saved and to get into heaven and avoid being sent to eternal h**l is by believing in faith alone that Jesus, who is God, died for our sins on the cross and rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Believe this and you are saved!

    Please pray now: "Jesus, please forgive me of my sins. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and You rose from the dead. Thank You for eternal life!" You will be in heaven with Him forever when you die :)

  10. no there is no heaven so no one will  

  11. well it says in the bible that God doesnt want anyone to be g*y or bisexual. he made it so girls should be with boys and thats it. but i cant be the one to judge who goes to heaven. i mean it dosent say in the bible that you will go right to h**l if your g*y but it does say that your not suppose to be so im not sure. people shouldnt risk it.  

  12. Anyone can go to heaven, my friend..............there is just one qualification --- that you accept Jesus Christ as your own personal Saviour..............period.............

    God Bless...............

  13. You have received some very childish answers as would be expected. No-one can go to a non-existent place. Blessings of Buddha to you.

  14. no way.......................jose

  15. i hope not

    it wouldnt be heaven for me if g**s were there

  16. Yes being g*y is just another sin according to the Bible and we all sin

  17. No they want go to heaven unless theirs is a (process) of change (purifying) even though we are all not yet perfect" we have to become that or develop our faculties(soul or spirit) God is Merciful, Beneficent, Loving. If something is call Holy that means pure not deluted besize "God created a woman ! Without  a  woman theirs no humanity or our existence. This is a wise God who created the universe and the woman is the key to Heaven or Kingdom of Heaven ! she call second self of God "because she contians secret of God or her womb contains secret of God. Theirs no such thing being (born) g*y "God didnt make a mistake who autherize our birth in the wombs of our mothers or existence. God created our minds to think rightly ! The wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah-where men were lovers of men instead of the natural attraction to the female-which caused their destruction, This country is glorifying this abomination by using television, radio, and magazines to make a behavior that is unacceptable to God, acceptable to us then that (thought) was produce . To anyone who is g*y or L*****n, I don’t want you to think that we are denigrating you; all of us are sinners and we are no better than you. We are saying, however, that such (conduct) earned Sodom and Gomorrah the wrath of God.

  18. Sure, but they should remain celibate rather than acting on their homosexuality.

    "If you persevere until death in true devotion to Mary, your salvation is certain!" -St. Alphonsus Liguori

    God bless!


  19. I would say this is a personal issue that you would have to look up in your own religious scripture.

    But as for me, being an atheist, I dont believe that a "heaven" exists, and i also feel that there is nothing wrong with someone being g*y or bi, one should not judge others on orientation, because being g*y is not a choice..

    - I have a problem with people saying ANYONE can go to heaven as long as they accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior, if it is true in your religion than i am quite saddened that you feel that way. Basically  a murderer can kill 20 people, but as long as they really accept Jesus Christ into their lives by the time they die they will go to heaven, BUT if someone lives a very giving and loving life, even donates millions to a hospital or two...and this person doesnt believe in a higher power and doesnt accept except Jesus Christ into their lives, will go to h**l.

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