
Will getting a private pilot license help me get commisioned for a Pilot Slot in the Air Foce?

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Right now im working on my bachelors degree so that i can apply for the Air Force as a pilot. But im looking for ways that will put me above the rest, which brings me to private pilot license. The reason i ask this is because i read a couple places that the Air Force frowns upon people with private licenses when apply for a pilot slot. Any advice would be appreciated




  1. Ummmm... Toughy. I guess that some Air Force establishments want to train you from scratch (their way) while some probably like the background knowledge when you apply. Personally, if I was going down the Air Force route, I would apply with them straight away- if you are accepted you will save a lot of money in paying for flying lessons (especially with the cost of fuel)  Hope that helps =)

  2. Talk to a recruiter. If you want to serve your country I would also talk to the Navy, Army, Marines, and the Coast Guard and see what they have to offer. It doesn't cost anything to talk to them and one of the other branches may make you an offer to good to refuse. Good luck.

    Don't forget the National Guard.

  3. dont bother with civilian training. the military would rather teach you their way. talk to a recruiter. and never make a career decision on answers you  get here. most answers are  just a wild a$$ guess. in fact they should change the name of this place to yahoo guesses.

  4. I wouldn't bother talking to a recruiter, since they often embellish just a bit.  They are also all enlisted men, and they don't know all that much about officers and flying.  I would suggest you go to an air show and find a real pilot to talk to.  Or, find out where they hang out near a local AF base and try to meet one there.  Try all of your contacts, try an aviation message board, and they will have the answer you seek.  

    I agree with John, as many of the answers here are given by kids pretending to know what they are talking about.  They only reason they get some answers right is because they asked the same question a couple of months ago.  Good luck to you.

  5. The AF used to send all prospective pilots to a Pilot Screening program - Hondo, TX for ROTC/OTS and the Academy if they were cadets there.  Unfortunately, we lost a few airplanes and pilots practicing spins.

    So, the AF then was paying for prospective pilots to get 40 hours of private lessons at various locations.  If you didn't finish the requirements for a private license by then, you could pay the remainder if you wished.

    I'm not sure if the above program is still going or not.  The best way to find out is to call or visit the nearest college/university with an AF ROTC program and ask them.  Don't go to the local recruiter because they will try to enlist you.  Yes, you could end up on an aircraft after you've done another job for a few years, but you won't be in a pilot seat.

    If you have the money, I would recommend getting at least a few hours in an airplane and some ground training before you take the AF Officer Qualifying Test.  It will help you tremendously with the basics of flying.  Even if you learn some "bad" habits according to the UPT instructors, they will be able to teach you the AF way of flying.

    Good Luck!!!

  6. It will be a plus point in your favour and will greatly help you when you start your flying training. The Air Force instructors are averse to private licence holders because they fear some points from the civil flying may be too deeply imbedded in your mind. Just donot fall in this category and I assure you, you will fare brilliantly.

    Good luck.

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