
Will getting a replacement keyboard for my laptop fix the problem I have with my v key not working?

by Guest59125  |  earlier

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My v key stopped working like a year and a half ago, but I just saw that you can buy replacement keyboards. If I install a replacement keyboard, will the v key work again?




  1. Yes, replacing the keyboard will definitely fix the problem.

    But that might be overkill. Pop the key off and see what's going off underneath it. Sometimes cleaning the contact will fix it. Buy some contact cleaner at an electronics store. If the problem is mechanical, just jiggling the mechanism around a bit might fix it. Just the action of removing and replacing the key might be enough.

    The people above who say that you can get a keyboard anywhere, including a thrift store, and that they are cheap are very confused. LAPTOP keyboards are specific to your make and model of laptop. You will have to order it from the manufacturer. And it will be at least $100.

  2. If you're sure it's a hardware problem and not something in the circuitry of the motherboard or something like a glitch or setting in software then the new keyboard should fix it if you get a working replacement. If you're not sure what's causing it you could get a professional to look at it and tell you what she or he thinks it is. Try an Ubuntu Live CD to see if isn't an OS based problem. You might also want to get a professional to replace the keyboard if you're not sure how to do it yourself. With many models of laptop it's usually as simple as disconnecting a single ribbon cable, but with some models it can be tricky if you're not careful disconnecting the cable (they're delicate).

    But first guess? Sounds like a hardware problem if it's just a single key.

  3. Short answer, probably yes.

    Keyboards are cheap and can break easily. Or get gummed up with crud. replace the keyboard asap,

    Microsoft and Logitech make similar keyboards.

  4. If it were me I would first try holding it upside down and shaking out whatever cookie crumbs are caught in there. You would be amazed at what junk will come out. You can also try a little vacuum cleaner or those cans of canned-air. If you just replace it, for a hefty price, your problems will tend to come back when the new one gets  jammed the same way. Try cleaning as a first step.

  5. Get a USB keyboard (and mouse) ,and use it until you get the other one fixed

    -Them you'll have a backup just in case it happens again  

  6. Yes, the problem is with your keyboard.

    New ones are super cheap, you can even find them at thrift stores.

    If you're going to get a new one anyway, you should think about going for a wireless keyboard.

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