
Will getting my permit make my moms insurance go up?

by  |  earlier

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she's buying a car next month. and i wanted to know if i got my permit before then will it make her car insurance. or is that just if you get your license.




  1. It sure will, and it will go up mighty high.  When my kids got permits to drive, my insurance went up almost $2000 a year.  Thank God they are grown, gone, have their own cars, and pay their own insurance.  

  2. no its when you get your license it does but not so much for girls then us boys  

  3. any student driver or driver under age of 25 even if its just a permit will probably cause the rates to go up.

  4. It depends on your state law as far as whether you have to be insured to drive with a permit. When you get your license, you mom will have to add you to her policy to drive a car that she owns, and her insurance rates will go up.

  5. Try to possess as much information as you can maybe is one option,however it is time consuming,here is the one i have ever had good experience with.

  6. any thing with your name on it will go up.....  any thing..?  as soon as she tell her ins. com. that your driving it goes up. especialy your ins. for your self is alot. so be careful about what car you get to drive. the older the better.. and the smaller the engine the better. ins. company's look at all of that...

  7. It's according to what state you are in.

  8. You are still covered as a dependent while you have your permit.  Once you get your license, the rates will increase.  You can help out by keeping your grades up in school.  No, not just saying that because I'm a Mom.  Some insurance companies used to give a break for taking drivers' ed.  Now they are more interested in you being an overall good student.  Congrats on the permit!  

  9. It goes up as soon as you are added to the policy. If you are under the age of 25, you are considered and experienced driver and your rates will be very high.

  10. It will probably result in her premium increasing.

  11. Getting your permit, no.

    Getting your license will though.  

  12. I think it goes up cause sh has to add u as a driver in case u get into an accident

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