
Will getting wireless N speed up our wireless G laptops?

by  |  earlier

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Right now we have 4 laptops in the house, and one desktop. They are all wirelessly connected to a linksys wireless g router, (the desktop uses a cable to connect). Im not the best with networking, but i think that all the laptops only have wirless g (2 are old with xp and 2 are new with vista so idk). Latley, it has been getting slow and the wireless passwords and settings and stuff are getting annoying. Will getting a New Wireless N router be faster than what we have now? And will it work with our laptops?


B.t.w. i was looking at this one-

But if you recommend another one that better that would be nice.




  1. Below can help you speed up your pc:

    1.From IE, click Tools, Internet Options

    delete cookies

    delete files (offline files)

    clear history (set days to save to 0 if you want)

    click o.k., and Restart Start, Programs, Accessories, System Tools – run Disk Cleanup

    3.Temporarily close Quick Launch:

    Right-click on the Taskbar, click Toolbars, deselect Quick Launch

    4.Open My Computer

    right-click on C:

    click Properties

    click Tools, select Error Check (check all and fix), when finished click defrag & run. Start, Run ipconfig renew (type ipconfig space renew)

    6.Restart. Right-click on Taskbar, click Toolbars, select Quick Launch to restore

    All these things should be done regularly. The more frequently they are run, the less time they take.

    -Note: Games and videos are mostly graphics. Graphics create large files. If these suggestions don't help, you might need more memory.

    Last, if you haven't cleaned your registry in a while. This is necessary. Your registry holds all the information regarding updates, installs, un-installs etc. Each one of those events produces a key. That key needs your PC's resources and free space. So, if you clean your registry, you make more resources available for speed. Do a registry scan if you got more than 20 errors you should clean it.

  2. Garret N is an idiot.  You have to complete something like 18 offers for c**p to qualify.

    Going to an N router probably won't speed up your laptops unless you switch their cards over to N also but it should have more strength and range.  

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