
Will girls do this?????????????

by  |  earlier

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act really friendly towards a guy and make it seem shes a little interetsed (but shes not) just so the guy likes her more/ to build her own confidence? basically fake being his friend just to get attention she craves? this happened to me!!!!




  1. yes, women love and need attention

  2. Yep. Its a cruel world. Both men and woman are at fault on this one

  3. Definitely.  Women are vain.  Now you know.

  4. women show no mercy

  5. yup they do it. and it happens to the best of us.  

  6. A LOT of women do this. Trust me.  

  7. yes and so do men

  8. Mostly only younger women, as far as doing it on purpose.

    Though most women (AND men) will gladly accept any and all complements/adoration and not make too much of an effort to discourage it. We've all been guilty of that, I'm afraid.

    By the way, I can't send you personal messages because you have them turned off in your Yahoo Answers settings.

  9. yea for sure so many girls are vein and self absorbed that they like telling ppl this guy likes me blah blah blah but then again i am sure it is similar with sum guys they do that to girls too  

  10. ofcourse girls do that...

    we usually do...

    women like attention,,,,

    we love it when guys are starting to like us,,, but we wont force ourself to like that guy if we dont....

  11. yes. anything that lacks a p***s is evil.

  12. I wouldn't put it past 'em. Women are crazy, yo.

  13. yes

  14. Well, if you see that she's got a lot of friends that always pushes her around to do it, its definitely that she's doing it for fun. You might as well call it quits with her and just ignore her. No matter how girls seem nice and pretty on the outside, the bad inside her will always cancel it out.

  15. Girls will do this all the time.  Women Love attention and I'm going through this at the moment.  I met this girl who made me feel wow we could have something.  It was crazy but then once she got my attention and she knew I liked her she was not interested at all so now I'm playing her little stupid game for i.e. yesterday I sat in a different table for lunch and flirted with other girls and she calls me at night and was like are you mad at me why you didn't say hi to me?  My answer was I didn't know I was obligated to say hi to everyone and she was like oh I'm everyone now and I told her I'm just treating her the same way she's treating me.  The way it is man this is how it goes... the more you push they pull and when you pull they push.  Girls are like that and always keeping their options open.  Don't forget every girl loves attention as much us guys love it.  It boosts their confidence and make them feel good and guess what the guy who the least act interested gets the action so get your game back together and the ball back to your court.

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