
Will global warming be our doom?

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its taking place right now, and no one is doing something about it.




  1. No

    Warming of the earth has happened many times before and it has been during those times that life thrived.

    It's just the latest popular panic.

  2. When you say it is "taking place right now," I wonder if you can site any sources or tell me how much warming you think is "taking place right now".  Is it your suggestion that we are doomed because it is 86 degrees today instead of 85.5?  You can't even claim that much influence with any credibility or knowledge.  You really need to stop taking everything you hear as gospel IMO.

  3. We're not doomed ,but we need to do something about global warming like don't drive your cars that much. Maybe we humans will adapt to the environment. Can you believe that the North Pole might not have any ice by the end of the summer of 2008? That what is said by the experts.

  4. Tempers will be our end before our temperature.

    We are doomed by the proliferation of horrific weapons of mass destruction.

    If you are truly concerned for human life on earth  work for peace and justice through the world.

    The Earth will be around for many more millennia -I am not so sure about so called 'intelligent' life.

  5. I think there are several people out there trying to do stuff to stop it but with some things going on it is rather hard...but global warming might or might not be our doom. I only know for a fact that the world is becoming overpopulated and eventually nature will fight back with diseases or floods etc. to eliminate some so basically I think that no one can really guess what our doom would be.. PS the bird flu is a good example

  6. It won't be our doom but it will change the conditions that all people in the world will have to deal with. 50 years from now drinking water will be more expensive than gas. Luckily for me I won't be here.

  7. yes...this will most likely be our doom. This summer is the first time that the north pole has broken apart. If the polar icecaps melt the sea levels will rise and all coastlines will flood. That will eliminate our islands and peninsulas, and this water will slowly creep up the land and kill off the species of the earth. Then there will be another ice age and the is a slight chance that species will return.

  8. The policies and tax changes it brings about will be our doom

  9. I do not believe that global warming will doom us all since the planet has gone thru many disasters of global scale since the beginning of time; however, it does not mean we can just do nothing about it. Just like the people who lead the civil rights movements, we need to come together and rethink the way we use the resources we have available and demand our leaders to do the same.  We need to expand the use of solar and wind turbine sources to create clean energy and reduce the both the carbon emission cause from burning fuel and the dependency from it.

  10. Is there a global warming?  It hasn't been proven or disproven.  However, there's a lot of money in stoking up public worry over it.

  11. If you look at the short period of time that humans have inhabited this planet you will see that mankind has done his best during periods of global warming.  It's the periods of global cooling that usually cause the most damage to our species.

  12. Au contrair....thousand of people are doing lots of things in the name of global warming, the voracious consumption of capital and energy in the NAME OF global warming may well be injurious to us.

  13. I find it funny how pessimists are liberal and optimists are conservative.... cause the only people crying at night are the liberals... personally.. I couldn't give two sh*ts about what happens 300 years from now.

  14. Since Global warming is happening, Al & company might as well fleece the flock so at the very least their sheep are comfortable.

  15. We are not destined for doom.  If everyone would just bring their refrigerators outside and leave then running with the doors open, we could control this insideous trend.

  16. no but it will kill millions before politions wake up to it  and realise it is happening and stop worrying about the money they are making while there doing nothing

  17. Whether global warming will be "our" doom depends on how one defines "we" and "our," I think.

    I'm extremely concerned about "greenhouse" based climate change, think it's a really urgent environmental problem that could cause massive damage to human civilization and natural ecosystems unless fixed.  BUT -- none of the scientists and science writers I've read on the subject have indicated that it will "doom" EVERYBODY.  

    If you live in northern Siberia or in Greenland or in some other place that's way too cold right now,  you might benefit from global climate change.  

    Of course, it will help if your area also is not going to be affected by the increased flooding that climate change will probably bring to some areas, or the increased wind storms or "extreme weather events" it brings to other areas, or the increased droughts it may bring to still other areas.

    It will help if your area is well above sea level, too, so you won't get flooded out if the Greenland ice sheet melts and causes average sea levels around the world to rise by up to 20 feet or more.

    As for "no one" doing anything about it -- that's an exaggeration, that's fear and panic talking.

    It's dumb to be foolishly optimistic and complacent, of course.  The situation in fact is pretty bad, in my opinion; right now the major CO2 emitting nations of the world (eg China and the US and India) don't seem to be agreeing on how to structure an international treaty to curb global warming.  

    Also, although the Japanese and European countries are at least giving lip service to reducing their CO2 emissions, many environmental analysts say that the Europeans and Japanese in reality aren't doing nearly as much to address the problem as they pretend to, and as they should.

    Still - SOME people and SOME institutions already are working on heading off climate change.  We all ought to learn more about them, and take encouragement from them, and give them whatever support we can.

    California's Republican governor Arnold Schwarznegger is maybe the most famous example.  He and the state legislature have agreed on plans to have California, which actually has an economy bigger than that of many of the world's nations, make serious reductions in its CO2 emissions over the next several decades.

    The Republican governors of Florida and Minnesota, among other places, have proposed similar programs for their states -- I write this as a loyal Democrat, BTW, but I think we need to give credit where credit's due.

    And there are lots of big city mayors, churches & synagogues & mosques (I think), and also businesses big and small that are working on bringing CO2 emissions down, also.

    If you're concerned about  this issue - hey, GOOD FOR YOU!  And thanks for the angry post, which at least shows that you're aware of the problem.  But don't succumb to despair and don't give up on the problem, and don't just leave it to "THEM" -- whoever they are -- to fix it.  

    Try to educate yourself more about what you can do as an individual to reduce YOUR carbon footprint.  And spend a little time cruising the bookstores and surfing the web to see what other individuals & groups are doing, so as to support it.

    And write your congressman/senator/mayor/city council person/ president/ Republican or Democratic national committee/ favorite religious body on the urgency of moving faster on this problem.  You're just one person, but if enough people show enough concern and the politicians get pestered with enough letters and emails, they're going to act.

  18. No!!

    No need to panic. Humans will adapt to changes in the climate and we are beginning to see a shift in policy . This may take time.

  19. No it will not be our doom.

    Yes it is going on right now. But how do you know that? Did you notice it all by yourself, or did someone tell you? If you had to be told, it can't be very bad. For example, you don't have to be told if you get hit by a car, you just know it. That is a serious problem. But global warming is VERY small changes, that you have to be told about to even notice. No way that can be doom.

  20. "what then? we drown?"

    The IPCC put the sea rise at 24in by the end of the century even if you walk really slowly I think you probably wont drown.

  21. As long as our nations around the globe , consume these energy's , and increase their feul consumption , the overall mass of green house gas's will continue to rise . Researchers predict that our temperature will increase by 2 - 10 degrees farenheight by the end of the century . What is uncertain is what rising temperatures ,will mean for our planet . Some focast rising sea levels which of coarse would mean floods , along coastal areas around the world . Weather patterns are changing also , making huricanes more frequent , severe drought is more common in warm areas , and species which are unable to adapt to this change will face a hudge drop in numbers and inevitably , extinction .

    Many countries are enforcing stricter policies , to manufacturing companys , and oil companys , but  is it enough ?.

    You "can't " turn back the hands of time , the damage is already done ,  Hope this was of help to you.

  22. No,  The human race will survive.  The earth goes through heating and cooling cycles.   Yes we (Humans) are making this cycle go faster.  But the earth will go into a cooling cycle.  We will adapt.  The population will be reduced. Unless we have a major kill off like the dinosaurs and a new species will come to life.  But we all must remember that even one person can make a difference.  So ask yourself and others what did they do for our home today???? DID YOU THROW IT AWAY OR RECYCLE???

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