
Will global warming be stopped or will it just get worse from here?

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I was just wondering if global warming will pursuit or will it just stop? MAny people think it will get worse but i think it might get better but im not too sure.




  1. It has already stopped, the Earth hit a peak warming in 1998, due to El Nino and it hasn't gotten that warm since. If you look at the evidence the IPCC uses, it's clear that CO2 goes up after warming causes the oceans to release CO2, not the other way around. CO2 is a greenhouse gas and it will "block" a certain wavelength of infrared heat and trap it in the atmosphere. But each additional input of CO2 has less effect, and it's absorbed in many ways by the Earth so it's impact is very overstated by the IPCC and media outlets.

    It's actually gotten cooler in the last year and the current solar cycle (#24) is dormant and has been since it began, while the last cycle has now seemingly stopped as well. The last time the sun was this quiet for an extended period we had the Little Ice Age. It may begin to get warmer again but we're far more likely to see that as the result of solar activity than anything we pump into the atmosphere. Total CO2 makes up .04% of the atmosphere, it's global warming potential is less than any other greenhouse gas, yet it's the focus of the IPCC and all the global warming warnings. Why? Because it's an easy way to make money from carbon trading and if you can control someone's carbon emissions you can dictate what they can do on a daily basis, a politician's dream come true.

    If you want to continue to believe the IPCC hype, you're free to do so, but at least try to read the actual report and other sources. We've had concentrations of CO2 10 times higher than they are now and the Earth was in the midst of an ice age at the time. How can that happen if CO2 at twice the current level will cause catastrophic heating? It can't and it won't. If the sun warms us enough to cause the oceans to release CO2 we'll be getting warmer primarily from the sun, not the added CO2, since greenhouse gases only trap heat we received from the sun in the first place, as most 5th graders seem to know.

  2. It is generated for a political reason. GW is a scam and should not scar any one. Gore made his move with lies and that is wrong.

  3. The earth may soon begin to cool, but no one really knows for sure. I hope it continues to warm for the sake of all life on planet earth. It 's unbelievable how many people are trying to convince the public that warming is bad. That's just far from the truth and this ridicuosity should be enough by itself to stop even the most feeble minded from belief in this down right loony theory.


  5. it will slow but still get worse since we are still heavily reliant on carbon fuels for energy - the cheapest type and very much in demand by newer developing countries.

    I figure we have max of 10 years to flip over quick, before major upheavals in climate and low-lying living areas occur. And it's too late in some ways. Take the polar bear- unless he has a safe spot in a zoo pen, the  polar bear is pretty much fu**ed in a few years, regardless of what happens.

  6. Some percentage of today's CO2 output remains in the atmosphere and maintains an influence on climate for 1000+ years after it enters the atmosphere.

    So no, you could not completely stop the warming that's already started, but you could dramatically slow the future warming that is now coming by cutting off future contributions to that warming.

  7. I am of the same opinion as you. people are become aware and children are being given projects ans taught environment education from the primary level and That for sure it will get better

  8. Even if we cleaned up our act now, by the end of the decade, the effects set in play would continue to act out and worsen for decades.

    Will it be stopped?  Unlikely.  Can it be slowed to an "acceptable" level, with impacts we and the natural world can adjust to?  It's possible.  

    There's a vast amount of information already available, and research gathering new data each and every day.  Within another 5 years, I think we'll know where we stand on this thing.  The news is bound to be mixed.  All I can say is learn as much as you can, let your representatives know how you feel, and follow their votes on environmental matters.  The groundswell of public opinion is gathering and is joining the institutions of higher learning and international efforts to curb global climate change.

  9. If no action is taken then it is likely to happen.

  10. Now that everyone cares, and when we get a dem in office... everything will be better.

    The world will love the U.S. again, the globe will cool, terrorism will stop.

    I may even move out of my parents basement and start dating

  11. It will get worse. There's is no way it's getting better by following the path we are currently following.

    Massive amounts of carbon dioxide and other global related causes are being ''released'' into our atmosphere every single day and no one is stoping it.

    There are two different viewpoints. Believers in global warming think that the increased temperature is the proof that global warming does exist and that it's a significant problem that should be taken seriously.

    Skeptics in global warming believe that the increased temperature is a natural phenomenonand that G.W is not something we should be worried about.

    But unless we act fast, we will reach another ICE AGE.

  12. I believe it can be stopped and reversed, but we don't have a lot of time, and we don't know exactly how much we do have.  There is a time lag between releasing a gas like CO2 into the air, and seeing its full effects.  In most cases that will be at least 10 years.  The effects we are experiencing aren't the effects of what we're doing today, they are the effects of what we were doing in the late 1980's and early 1990's.  We as a planet are producing much more Greenhouse Gases than we were in those days.  We have also backslid A LOT on our emission controls for factories and Miles per Gallon requirements on cars.

    There are growing and powerful political forces exerting their influence to keep us on the track we are on.  We have better technology and we know better ways to use the technology we are using.  But some people make lots of money off of the oil and automobile industries (more than environmentalists, despite what you may read here).  There are also many Nations entering the ranks of the industrialized nations for the first time.  Some are copying and emulating the example of the United States exactly, like China.  Others have studied the USA and are trying to avoid our most costly mistakes, like India.

  13. my environ. science teacher is telling is that the earth is always naturally warming...but with the gas emissions and other pollutants we send in the air, it sort of speeds up the we cant prevent the  natural warming from happening but we can certainly change some of our ways to help slow it down

  14. of course it'll get better if we start doing even more right NOW. Like right this second. Like anyone reading this should switch to Energy Star and start using public transportation.

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