
Will global warming make droughts less common, more common, or have no effect?

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Will global warming make droughts less common, more common, or have no effect?




  1. More, and here's why.

    A drought is simply less precipitation in a localized area than usual.  Global warming will change precipitation patterns a lot.  Some places will flood, others will have droughts.

    The change in total precipitation will be small.  The change in where it falls will be large.

  2. NO difference. There have always been droughts and will always be droughts. The basic AGW motto is to blame every bad natural disaster on man. Some of the answers you already received say this, more flooding, more drought, more cold, more hot. All a bunch of garbage. We recently experienced a drought, and do you know what happened after 6 months? More rain,  we are now back to our normal patterns of rain.

  3. I don’t think that man causes global warming at all but if nature warms the climate, then good times will be in store. Warmer temperatures would increase the evaporation rate of the oceans, and biomass. All vegetation would increase dramatically, crop yield would increase, we enter a new renaissance period.

  4. allright global warming is just going to heat up the earth, altho it was going to heat up anyway without the interference of humans, and when it gets heated up, there will be a lot of droughts in areas that are not close to the sea, but in places by the sea, there will be prob no droughts cuz u will have large amounts of water vapor there

  5. According to the GW religion, both and neither. They cover all angles to be right.

  6. As our models have advanced we now call this climate change as that better describes what is happening and what will happen in the future. More change is on the way. More droughts, more flooding, more heat less cool places.... Look up to see more about how the earth and atmosphere react

  7. It is really Climate Change. In some of the places were the temperatures increased, there might be a drought, they are more common to occur. When the temperatures reach higher the animals, plants and other things go away, the land is going to be different and other things are going to be different. So it will have more chances of getting droughts through only a small amount of time compared to 2,000 years.

    Also when heat gets trapped into greenhouse gases the atmospehere changes from cool air on the bottom and hot aair on the top to hot air on the bottom and cold air to the top. That means that the air is going to be causing hotter temperatures not letting rain fall from the clouds.

    If you believe in Global Warming, scientists say that that will keep from storms to come with rain and wash into the soil. That will cause droughts also.

    Hope I answered your question good.

  8. more common.  as in Darfur.

    <<UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said that the slaughter in Darfur was triggered by global climate change and that more such conflicts may be on the horizon, in an article published Saturday.

    "The Darfur conflict began as an ecological crisis, arising at least in part from climate change," Ban said in a Washington Post opinion column.

    UN statistics showed that rainfall declined some 40 percent over the past two decades, he said, as a rise in Indian Ocean temperatures disrupted monsoons.

    "This suggests that the drying of sub-Saharan Africa derives, to some degree, from man-made global warming," the South Korean diplomat wrote.

    "It is no accident that the violence in Darfur erupted during the drought," Ban said in the Washington daily.

    When Darfur's land was rich, he said, black farmers welcomed Arab herders and shared their water, he said.

    With the drought, however, farmers fenced in their land to prevent overgrazing.

    "For the first time in memory, there was no longer enough food and water for all. Fighting broke out," he said. >>

  9. Its already making droughts more common and more severe in Australia... we're 7 years into our worst drought... A so-called one in 1000 years drought.

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