
Will global warming stop if we stop polluting the air and go away or no?

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Do you ever think that global warming will stop cause we made a difference and everything will go back to normal or no things will just get worst and keep leading to a casastrophie.




  1. It will take many years to reach a new equilibrium.  That's why the push to resolve the problem "early."  CO2 last hundreds of years in the atmosphere.  It is not all used by plants - most of it is not.  That's why there is a problem - the sinks can't keep up with human activity.

  2. NO.

    Our contribution to global warming has no effect at all.

  3. We cannnot stop it but we can mitigate the effects  of mans actions.  If we move quickly and boldly, we can hopefully avoid the worst consequenses.

    Spending about as much in public money as we have spent on the high speed information highway over the last 35 years, in about the same time frame, we could reach the goals recommended by climate scientists.  That was about  $10 billion a year.  Peanuts.  We now spend more than that a month on the Iraq war.  And give subsidies and tax credits to fossil fuel industries, of about 8 times that much.

    Steve says there's no evidence that anthropogenic  CO2 causes global climate change.

    These scientists say he's wrong.

    The IPCC involves tens of thousands of scientists form 120 countries who have spent 20-30 years researching climate change. They published their third assesment of the studies of all those scientists last year.

    Of the dozens of scientific organizations supporting the IPCC, the AGU or American Geophysical Union represents 14,000 scientists.

    They are just one organization in the following list.

    Regarding the IPCC report on climate change.

    "The conclusions reached in this document have been explicitly endorsed by ..."

    Academia Brasiliera de Ciências (Bazil)

    Royal Society of Canada

    Chinese Academy of Sciences

    Academié des Sciences (France)

    Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina (Germany)

    Indian National Science Academy

    Accademia dei Lincei (Italy)

    Science Council of Japan

    Russian Academy of Sciences

    Royal Society (United Kingdom)

    National Academy of Sciences (United States of America)

    Australian Academy of Sciences

    Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Sciences and the Arts

    Caribbean Academy of Sciences

    Indonesian Academy of Sciences

    Royal Irish Academy

    Academy of Sciences Malaysia

    Academy Council of the Royal Society of New Zealand

    Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

    "In addition to these national academies, the following institutions specializing in climate, atmosphere, ocean, and/or earth sciences have endorsed or published the same conclusions as presented in the TAR report:

    NASA's Goddard Institute of Space Studies (GISS)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

    National Academy of Sciences (NAS)

    State of the Canadian Cryosphere (SOCC)

    Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

    Royal Society of the United Kingdom (RS)

    American Geophysical Union (AGU)

    American Institute of Physics (AIP)

    National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)

    American Meteorological Society (AMS)

    Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS)

    "This consensus is represented in the IPCC Third Assessment Report, Working Group 1 (TAR WG1), the most comprehensive compilation and summary of current climate research ever attempted, and arguably the most thoroughly peer reviewed scientific document in history. While this review was sponsored by the UN, the research it compiled and reviewed was not, and the scientists involved were independent and came from all over the world."

    "arguably the most thoroughly peer reviewed scientific document in history"

    If that isn't conclusive evidence than what is?

    "The fact is that there is an overwhelming consensus in the scientific community about global warming and its causes. There are some exceptions, but the number of sceptics is getting smaller rather than growing.

    Even the position of perhaps the most respected sceptic, Richard Lindzen of MIT, is not that far off the mainstream: he does not deny it is happening but thinks future warming will not be nearly as great as most predict."

    "Of course, just because most scientists think something is true does not necessarily mean they are right. But the reason they think the way they do is because of the vast and growing body of evidence. A study in 2004 looked at the abstracts of nearly 1000 scientific papers containing the term "global climate change" published in the previous decade. Not one rejected the consensus position. One critic promptly claimed this study was wrong – but later quietly withdrew the claim."

  4. Scientists predict that even if we stopped emitting heat-trapping gases immediately, the climate would not stabilize for many decades because the gases we have already released into the atmosphere will stay there for years or even centuries. So while the warming may be lower or increase at a slower rate than predicted if we reduce emissions significantly, global temperatures cannot quickly return to today's averages. And the faster and more the Earth warms, the greater the chances are for some irreversible climate changes.

  5. No effect on Climate Change..but it makes sense to clean up the planet for the benefit of all living things.

  6. the polar caps will melt and flood the coasts

    no it wont stop if we stop I mean we're a cause but its natural and could fix itself

  7. You cant stop it... you can only hope to contain it...

    reversing it is futile

  8. No, there was global warming when the Native Americans were the only ones living in America. It will get better but it won't be gone it will never be gone.

  9. No Its just a natural thing no sense worryin about it

  10. the ozone has a remarkable rate to recover once it is damaged it repairs its self but at a rate to recover is slow because the continual presence of green house gases the damages done aren't perminate.  

    The actions we are currently using are good steps but it is the fallow through that is important. The actions we are taking now should have been taken in the 70', now we are scrambling to find answers. Finding cleaner fuel alternatives. to decrease bad gases in the air.

    But sorry got side tracked but get to the point directly is that no matter what we can no eliminate green house gases completely. Weird fact but a huge contributer to emissions of green house gases comes from cattle. Because the cattle have been such a prevalent market in the United states and globally their "emissions" have increased so that means the more cattle we have the greater amount of emission come from them.

  11. no its b.s however cancer , or health risks could be lower id pollution was increased

  12. There is no convincing evidence that CO2 emissions from modern industrial activity has in the past, is now, or will in the future cause catastrophic climate change.

    It is true that the earth has been warming. Some scientist believe, It is coming out of the "Little Ice Age".

    However, there is no credible evidence that it is due to mankind and carbon dioxide. We've been coming out of a "Little Ice Age" for 300 years. We have not been making very much carbon dioxide for 300 years. It's been warming up for a long time.

    Though, humans are polluting the air and adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, but the effect is tiny.

  13. Global warming will not stop if we cut back and cease polluting the Earth. GW is a never-ending cycle that will continue until some asteroid crashes into the Earth. Even Al Gore statistics support this theory and it is opposite to what he says.

    Although through pollution and contamination of the environment, we have caused the cycle to become more intense, but given time we will see (not in our lifetime) the Earth's temperature drop just as quickly as it is rising.

    Ice ages and the opposite will continually happen NO MATTER what we do as people. The only reason to even bother conservign energy is so that it lasts longer and gives us more time to develop future energy resources.

  14. Huh!!!! Again that silly question. Just tell me the name of one scientist who says that Global Warming occures, and in return I give you the names of 5 scientists who says that it's natural cycle of the earth.

    Is there any official proof that the Global Warming occures?

    Stopping Air Pollution is different thing and all the people on the planet must practice it. But it has no cnnection with Global Warming.

  15. no, global warming wont stop because its one of earths natural processes. But it will slow down if we stop polluting and everything.

  16. No Its just a natural thing no sense worryin about it, we should appeal for everyone pretest the nature,and the net will tell you how pretest the nature and the nature are polluting

  17. I watched something on nat. Geo. that if the earth's population were to disappear, it would take over 150 years  before the earth started a cycle of returning to natural temperatures

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