
Will global warming stop?

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S.I.G.N.O.S a documentary that was presented hear in the Philippines showed the dreadful side-effects of global warming now there was one thing that I cannot get out of my mind about the part about the melting of ice and snow in a place I forgot what was the name but it says there that when half of the ice and snow melt the sea level will rise and some countries not countries but some continents will sink deep in to the sea




  1. Look for the educated answers here.  There are lots of creationists and oil company hacks spewing nonsense.  "Love of Truth" gave you a knowelgeable answer -- even if human became extinct today, human-caused global warming would continue.  It is this over-shoot phenomenum that makes it so urgent.  By the time the politicians act on what scientists have confirmed, the worst will still be yet to come.  The sooner we can start the reduction, the less severe the worst will be.

  2. Do your research!! the myth called global warming stopped in the nineties, the average earth tempature has been cooling since then.

  3. Yes

    when the sun engulfs it in a couple trillion years

  4. no, but it can reduced and controlled

    once we become more conscious

  5. Global warming is a myth, man is not responsible for changing the weather.  If the ice caps melts, and I mean, IF they melt, the rise in the seas will be mere inches.  The ice has already displaced the water and lakes, rivers and streams will take up the slack.  The Great Lakes are 30 inches down lately and several resaviours are down some 100 feet or more.  So forget what the fear merchants like Al Gore are telling you, because they are not doing anything they tell us to.

  6. Global warming has happen in the past to the earth

    .. . ...

    It the earth has also cooled off to the point that a glacier reaching form the north pole to mid America occurred

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    The earth has cycles it goes threw in its past 4.5 billion year life

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    Mars lost its polar caps just with in the last 5 years

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    Does that mean that there is pollution in the atmosphere

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    The earths orbit is not circular, round, all the time it is elliptical, egg shape, for a time then changing back to circular

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    This chang in orbit geometry takes 100's of thousands of years to occur

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    When in the circular orbit as we are now the earth temperature is stable as the seasons pass

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    But when the elliptical orbit is present the winter can be extreme in low temperature because the distance from the sun is 1/4 more than in the circular orbit

    .. ...

    And the close orbit of the elliptical orbit is 1/8 closer than the circular orbit

    Which causes higher prematures

    All with in the same year with the earth has its elliptical orbit

  7. We do not cause it...

    I wrote a speech on it and it is available here

  8. It has been prove that Gore's movie is a lie. The ice melting was computer created.

    Another test for U.

      Fill a glass with ice and fill it till the water is at the edge of the glass. Watch it and where is the level after it melts. It will be lower as ice occupies more space than the water.

  9. Yes it will when one of two things happen:  

    1.  The natural weather cycle changes

    2.  The eco-freaks move on to their next hot button scare.

  10. Anthropogenic Global warming will definitely stop once human beings become extinct. Actually it will continue via its inertia for a while and then gradually normalize.

    I hope we get our act together before the earth does what the human body often does when it gets a parasite, gets a fever and bakes all the smaller organisms than itself.

    It's a good thing I'm an optimist about human potential. The choice is ours and it all starts with the individual.

  11. it will stop but we all need to help

  12. If people are willing to do something about it, rather arguing  about what cause it, then yes. Its our planet and not doing anything good for the environment and destroying it just to benefit ourselves is just plan selfish and greedy!

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