
Will god help you if you ask him " will you please help me pass volleyball tryouts"?

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i have volleyball tryouts tommorow and i want to ask god to help me and give me strength to serve the ball do yall think thats wrong. will he help me




  1. No i think that is perfectly fine.  God is with you every step of the way and will make everything work out the way it should, even if it doesn't make sense.  Keep God in your thoughts and it will benefit you whether you make the team or not.

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!! @_@

  2. well you can

    but you can't just count on prayer to pass you

    you should try practicing and rest up

    have fun with it

    and good luck :]

  3. well.. im sure he'll help you with some.. lol but i think maybe you should practice a bit now too ;)

  4. he will but he's not a celestial waiter

  5. Definately!!! Thats what God is! He's there to help you through anything you may come accross!!! If it is his will it can be done! He can do anything! and its not wrong to ask for help in tryouts! it even says in scripture that you should never stop praying!

    hope i could assure you!

  6. He works in ways unknown to man.

    I would pray for strength to work your hardest.

  7. definately! i just had volleyball trryouts this past week aand i honestly ddnt think that i would make them and i prayed to god that he would help me get through them, and that if i ddnt make them to give me the stregnth to get through the loss. i also prayed to the patron saint of athletes - st. sabastian you can find the prayer at-- and uess what   i just found out today that i maade them! so it really can work! but keep this in mind-- even if by some chance you dont make it , God did it for a reason because he knows best so if you dont make dont stopp believing and if you do be sure to thank him!

  8. You should always pray to God. He will help you and guide you. There's nothing wrong with that. Good luck at tryouts.

  9. Ya it says in the Bible ask and ye shall receive. He may so no but I am sure he will help you. I will share an account with you. I was a sophmore on my high school volleyball team and I was a starter. the youngest at that. We ended up going to championships. Right before the game and all during the game I prayed to God to control my hits and to help me make the right decisions in the game. We won championships and on top of that I had the winning spike. God does work in small things, you just have to believe and know it. God probably wont help if you ask but you really do not think He can do such a thing.

  10. God will help you all the way but if it is truly meant for you then you will make the team. Everything is already planned out. He knows whether or not you are going to make it. Even if you don't make it just know that God had a reason for it

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