
Will going braless make your b***s sag faster?

by  |  earlier

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what about having guys play with them?




  1. there are cultures where women are not allowed to wear Bras and I noticed that the women had saggy b*****s. But, that could just be age.

    If you are wearing a bra and occasionally going without one I really don't think there is anything to worry about.

    And, if your b*****s are small enough that you can get away with going braless you are totally fine in the non sag department.

    having guys play with them, no.

    Breast feeding an infant, yes.

    But, to keep a kid healthy it's worth it.

    Don't worry to much on it, I'm sure they will be fine.

  2. having babies and having your b***s fill with milk may make them sag faster.  

  3. No, the bigger they are, the sagger the will be the older you get. Skin loses elasticity, muscle loses structure, and that added up makes b*****s sag. No matter what. Unless you have small breast or implants. Implants on an 80 year old woman I dont think would hold up very well though.  

  4. Guys will play with boobies regardless.  But it might make them sag quicker.

  5. Nope just gravity and time.

  6. you lost your tribe,huh

  7. gravity LOL hhaha I have seen some that look like worn down milk bags  

  8. Yes, I think it does.  I didn't used to think it mattered... but looking back, now I wish I had believed it mattered when I was 22, when I started having babies.  

    Mom of 4 (hello there, namesake!) got it exactly right.  Amazing what a difference 8 years of child-bearing can make.  Definitely listen to the midwives when they tell you it is important to always wear a supportive bra.  (Annoying, but important.)

  9. I'm gonna say YES, due to what "old folks" say.  For health reasons, I do believe it though because if you think about it, there is no support for them, therefore, they have no choice but to hang which will increase chances of sagging in the future with old age.  I don't think going braless from time to time is a problem but not on a regular basis, especially if you have larger b*****s.  I go without a bra around the house quite a bit, but I'm in the comfort of my own home and not running around in public; then again, to each "her" own.

    Remember the old saying, "Perfect Posture"?  Same rule applies: if you don't stand up straight or slouch, you end up with a hump in your back;  If you don't wear a girdle or control top underwear, your belly sags; If you don't wear a bra, you end up with SAGGY b***s!

  10. guys can play with them and as long as they are not pulling down on them hard ur all good!!!! however, if ur really stacked then going braless will make them sag faster..... if ur not huge then loose the bra and have fun with ur all good!!!!!  

  11. Depends on how big your b***s are.. If they are small, they wont sag much if at all. If they are big (c cup and up) I wouldnt go with out one excep at night. No, men playing with them wont make them sag either

  12. nope

  13. for the love of all that is good, braless is a wonderful thing!

  14. I say wera a bra whether they get saggy as a result of not wearing one or not.

    Unless your profession is a w***e.  Then I think going braless is in the job description.

    As far as playing with them?  Just how LONG is he playing with them for?  A few years?

  15. Well depends on the size of em, and how long you don't wear a bra?

    and the second part of your question thats a

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