
Will going to college affect my drawing social security disability??

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Will going to college affect my drawing social security disability??




  1. it will not effect your disability benefits.  However, if you haven't had disability for very long and are up for review soon, they will likely ask you what you do to pass the time.  If you are disabled because of disabling back pain for example, and on your review forms you say you spend your time playing for the college basketball team, you could have a problem.   lol

    Also, in order to get fin aid for college you have to be working on a certificate or a degree.  Generally folks do this because they are going to be employed after graduating.  If you are disabled, do you plan on going to work after you get your certificate or degree?  

    If not, then don't take college credit classes and certainly don't take out student loans.  Take "continuing education" classes or sometimes called personal enrichment classes.  Cheaper, more practical, short term.

  2. It shouldn't affect your disability payments.  

    However, if you're getting student loans, and you default on them, the student loans will be taken from your disability payments.

  3. It shouldn't unless you have a mental disability that indicates you have "very little cognitive" power. What shall we then say to these things? If GOD be for us, WHO can be against us? - Romans 8:31. The Lord daily loadeth us with BENEFITS, even the GOD of our salvation. Selah. - Psalm 68:19. - I wish you well. Peace!!!

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