
Will handball be the next basketball? Or even curling?

by  |  earlier

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Total nonsense question, I have nothing to do, oh what a fun day. I will pick the best answer randomly, so answer away!




  1. what is handball?

  2. i like pie more than cake

  3. it could, handball is the best! I was the champion in sixth grade!!!!!

  4. Lol who knows? Maybe just maybe if we all cross our fingers it will replace curling. Curling on tv is a good time to take a nap.

  5. Curling?

    I just can't see anyone dribbling that enormous stone, and dunking it in the net.

    And imagine the damage that will do to the hardwood floors!

  6. Handball doesn't have a pro league I believe.

  7. um... no

  8. HAAHAHha handball wil never become the next basketball u need a wall to play that!!itz totally different i dunno bout curling

  9. PICK ME IVE NEVER HAD THE BEST ANSWER... and handball is totally g*y.

  10. Handball will be the next best sport youve never heard of!

  11. no one plays curling only stupid canadians so maybe

  12. yeah because curling is a well known sport!

  13. Though hand ball is not one of the major sport these days...

    but its has its own respect....

    but Basket Ball has its own reputation so u cant expect hand ball to be the next basketball.......

  14. HANDBALL IS THE is said that its the most excercise u can get with in the sport than all the other sports...handball is really fun..

    iono about curling...and basketball i'm fine with...handball can replace curling LOL

  15. what's handball?

  16. yeah, in a comedy with Willl Ferrell, lol

  17. Hand ball is fun, but I do not see it as a major sponsored sport in the future.

  18. dont think so funny boy

  19. thats like asking if marbles is going to be the next canadian national sport.

  20. In countries like Germany, Poland, Denmark, Iceland, Greenland and Sweden handball is more popular then basketball. It's a popular indoor sport played during the winter except for the Summer Olympics. At the 2007 World Championships in Germany a capacity crowd of 19,000 watched Germany beat Poland 29:24. Millions throughout Europe tuned in to watch the tournament.

    Handball of course will never be bigger then Basketball in the United States or even Curling as the sport is unkown. This is based on the fact the #1 ? people repeatedly ask in this section is what is Handball.

    Why there is no organized teams at the HS level as a varsity sport nor is it a NCAA sport and I doubt many colleges even have handball clubs. The last time the USA qualified for the Olympics was 1996 only because we where the host nation and has never won any medals.

    Look as the sport is not popular or the fact we do not even qualify means NBC is not going to make this sport prime time viewing OK hence  it's unknown in the USA.

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