
Will hard line Hillary supporters go over because Republican veep is a woman?

by Guest60555  |  earlier

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Has McCain lost his marbles. What is he up to?




  1. If they don't care about issues and just genitalia.

  2. For an actress!! you sure are political. I didn´t know the Marble Society in the Uk had invited McCain here to play in the world marble championships.And before you ask we didn´t steal his marbles. If you feel you have a case against us get in touch.

  3. its all c**p,t*t for tat,less politics more celeb sh it, shame on you yanks its all very narrow minded  

  4. Women who just want a woman in charge will vote for McCain. This is ridiculous. Policies don't mean anything to them, just their genitalia.

  5. Some of them will, yes, once they research Sarah Palin.  She's a good representative for American women and has governed with honesty instead of party line rhetoric.

    When people talk about that "if women ran the world, there would be no 'ol boy network," they're talking about Sarah Palin.  Hillary wasn't like that.  She was old school.

  6. > veep is a woman? <

    Is this Dutch?

    I've no idea. Sorry.


  7. I will not change my mind to vote Democrat. That was a dirty little game hes playing to get votes. I would feel bad if I was her to know that he is only using her for votes.

  8. Only the truly stupid will. I doubt it though. Hillary doesn't want her stealing her thunder.

    Plus, Palin is against what Clinton stands for, and she (Palin) is against a woman's right to choose.

  9. The "hard line", of course one expects that.  Those who are moderate (as are the majority of Americans) will be very impressed, however.  Many of those will be very comfortable in the McCain camp.

  10. If they truly supported Hillary's base/platform, then no. They stand for completely, and I mean completely, different platforms.  

  11. The reason I love Hillary is because of what she stands for. She is for a woman's right to choose. She supports health care for all. The right to an education. These are things that I look for in a candidate, not just her gender. Unfortunately, the republicans rarely support the things that I do. He is trying to break the norm of politics as usual, and appeal to a particular audience. He chose a woman because I think it has become a battle of the minorities. There are some out there that will vote for him because his VP is a woman, but not that many. In any event, this election will be ground breaking. It will be the first time in our countries history that there will not be two middle aged white men elected to office. I think it's great nonetheless.  

  12. LOL.totally

  13. Well they certainly aren't the cultish mob that Obama's surrounded himself with.

    Some will, some won't.

    I guess the big issue now is if those women consider infanticide as nothing more than a lifestyle choice.

  14. Not for that reason. I think the Hillary supporters will vote McCain because if he wins then Hillary can stand again in 4 years ;)

    Sarah Palin is an excellent choice, not only does she shake off the incredibly old image associated with Republicans (and McCain in-particular) but, she's also more pleasing to look at than Obama/Biden. Actually she looks pretty good for her age. She's got that whole S****y secretary look right down, easy vote winner of the fickle.

  15. No because hilary is a democrat, and Mccain is not ..

  16. I Will say it again, McCain is going senile!

    Obama/Biden '08

  17. I don't know how he reached the concensus that she is a good pick.

  18. No, I dont think hardline voters will go over.

    Hillary is more well-known among women in this country. Plus, it was a total manipulative tactic on McCain's part to choose a woman as his running mate.

    BTW, your hat is adorable.

  19. No, if Hillary supporters like Hillary so much they will do what she says and vote for Obama!

    Obama '08

  20. When it comes to women and Hillary - her women supporters were made up of some who liked her for her stances and some who were with her JUST BECAUSE SHE'S A WOMAN.

    You cannot deny that fact.....some (not all) were picking her just so they could support one of their own, and because they really wanted to see A WOMAN in the White House.

    And it is some (not all) of those women who will now go for McCain because his ticket is the only one that has a woman on it.

    All these hard-core Hillary fanatics who say "I would never vote for McCain just because he picked a woman, blah blah blah"

    That's right - YOU may not.

    But MANY, MANY women will....and in a tight race that may make the difference......

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