
Will having a good strech before I run help make running easier?

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Will having a good strech before you run help make running easier even though my legs are sore?




  1. you have to warm up before you stretch otherwise it damages your muscles . after warming up stretch and then run. stretching will keep you from getting injured like pulling a muscles or something. it wont make running easier. and for the soreness its should go away soon but eat bananas- the potassium helps

  2. A good stretch will most definetly make running easier because you would be warmed up a little and a little loose.

    Even if your legs are sore it is still good to stretch and it sometimes cools down the soreness.


  3. It can. And it can help decrease the pain you could feel later. There is no guarantee that the pain will go away though.

    As strange as this might sound, a good ice bath after a hard run sometimes helps ease soreness.

    10-15 minutes in a cool bath with some ice. The bath doesn't need to be filled with it.

    And to the person below me, stretching WILL NOT warm up your legs. In fact, it is recommended that you do a short warm up before you stretch.

  4. Static stretching is good for post workout not before. You should do an active dynamic warmup where you are stretching in combination with movement.  If you static stretch you will relax the muscles and then when you try to activate them with running, you can get injured.  In fact, static stretching before has shown to decrease power and strength gains (though you are more flexible).

    Ice baths for 5-10 minutes after running is really good for sore muscles.  Heat afterwards can increase blood flow to aggravated areas and promote swelling.   If you have a lot of muscle soreness, it may be because of running mechanics!

    Good Luck!

  5. stretching is good but warm your muscles up first or you will injure yourself, dont stretch a cold muscle EVER......... is it your joints or muscles that are sore?

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