
Will he ever like school?

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how can I get my son interested in learning




  1. try out some different types of learning...ex. experiments, songs, stories, acting out stuff, make up learning games, use computer  games that are educational etc. Honestly you can pretty much find a way to make everything you do educational and a learning experience. Find out what exactly he does and does not like about school(Just ask him this) and work from there. Good Luck!

  2. have him play fun learning games. and play them with him.

  3. fun workbooks, reading with him, puzzles, computer learning games.

  4. You just have to stay positive with him.  Ask him to tell you everything about his day and get a full breakdown from his teacher(s).  My son would tell me what he didn't like and using the notes from his teacher I would ask him about the other things his class did. By doing this, I would get him to admit that yes he liked the story today or it was fun to do art.  I struggled with my son (and still do-he is in 3rd grade) but it so much better than when he was younger.

  5. edumacation

  6. make school interesting relate items that he likes to school

    1) plant growing - science

    2) cars - science

    3) art - coloring

    4) if not then tell him his friends will be their and he'll miss out


    We can't really help with answers if we don't know his. . .AHEM!. . . .AGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Your son can watch educational TV, use educational computer games and other things. Get ratings of educational products for toddlers or preschoolers from other parents to see which will be fun and educational for your child. You should be very patient with your child and support him so he knows he is doing good and that you support him. Also stay really positive so he develops confidence in himself.Tell him that you have gone through the educational experience and tell him he will make lots of friends and learn lots of social skills and other things that will one day get him a job and a home and a nice family.

  9. I don't really like school, but I go to it because I know I need a education.

  10. learning games

  11. Quit pushing it on him.  take him out of pre-school and teach him yourself.  There is nothing that is taught in pre-school that mom and dad can't handle.  

    Just find the little moments in life to teach him, then he will enjoying learning and won't be burned out by the time he is in real school.

    Pre-school is NOT necessary.

  12. It will depend if ur son is from 5-8 he has time from 9 -12 learning games 13 and so on you need to have a talk with him

  13. well this may be a negative answer but its honest.

    im 14, and never once in my life have i liked school, and i never will. my family puts so much pressure on me for grades, and the teachers are horrible. class is boring. i dont need to know half the stuff we have to learn, which has been admitted. i guess thats the main reason, WORK IS BORING. so...if theres anyway to make it fun for him, do it. make sure he gets good teachers, which is very hard to do. he will probably always say he doesnt really like it, but just dont pressure him into getting amazing grades and dont be hard on him.

    make it more fun than serious.

    good luck.

  14. All kids love to learn and are learning every waking moment.  If you are trying to get him interested in a particular subject then you need to make it fun.  Workbooks don't go very far with this age group.  So start taking every opportunity to point fun and interesting things in his world.  Take time to look at the bugs on your walk, read signs as you pass them and explain their meaning, read books together and have him fill in the next word by pointing to a picture (this works especially well with Goodnight Moon), talk about colors and clouds and flowers in your everyday world.  HE will learn everything he needs right now by looking at the world around him.

  15. Find heroes that he may have who are well-educated. So some research. Take his favorite sport and show him some of the history. Take him to the natural history museum and then to lunch any where he wants...


  16. Get him around his friends a lot and then he will want to go to school and see them. Works for me....

  17. Try to always sound excited about school when you talk of friends to meet and fun things to learn and new teachers to get to know. I explained to my son that every day kids were learning new things and that if he missed school it might be a day they were learning something really important that he needs to know and it would be awful if he was the only person who didn't know cause he didn't go to school that day. It seemed to help us. Also, i had 3 boys, so i pushed sports from an early age because that also will encourage more interest in school in order to participate as well as keeping the grades up, ( sports also requires random drug testing in high school and that's another plus for you)

  18. give him stuff he's interested in to learn about, i learned to read at age 3, and from then on i was always looking at books about volcanoes and spaceships rather than my addition and spelling, but it didn't really matter, because all those other books gave me a better base for learning in school..

    as for toys, i always played with those metal construction vehicles, little backhoes and dump trucks, and built stuff..

    lego's are probably THE best toy for ANY little boy. start him off with the basic sets, then get gradually bigger, and then move him into the Technic stuff when he gets interested in them. those things are such a challenge for a 6-7 year old to assemble, but once they do, its a huge sense of accomplishment.

    tinkertoys are good also, but whatever you give him, if he doesn't try to make it do something straightaway, then give him a goal. an example would be with dominoes. little kids LOVE watching dominoes fall. see if he can figure out how to arrange them so they fall in a curve, or over something (if you stack the dominoes in odd numbers, they'll keep fallign forward, in even numbers, they'll reverse the travel)

    lol, all this stuff makes me wanna break out my old legos and stuff.

  19. you have to make learning fun! Whether it's a game, a puzzle...anything to his liking. Look here for some fun online learning games : Here are some printable learning games :

    Hope I helped a bit =) And also, does he have friends at school? Do you make school seem like a downer? If his friends and you make school look fun, maybe he'll like it.

    And Milleniu...(can't see ur username) it's in the TODDLER and PRESCHOOLER section. Geez.

  20. Interest in learning and liking school have little to do with each other. All kids like to learn. Some kids just don't like being "taught" and would rather learn through exploration and experimentation. A good teacher uses a variety of approaches but if all the learning in a classroom is expected to happen by sitting still and listening some very bright kids just don't learn.

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