
Will he leave her..? or will I have to say goodbye to him..?

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I've been kinda seeing this man 4 the past year and a half.. He has a partner..! They are not happy..and he has moved out a few times..but then has moved back in again a few weeks later..she is a fair bit older than him and they own the house they live in together.. He always says that he wants to be with me but its just going to take a bit of time..I don't know what to do..this has been going on for a year and a half..and I feel horrible for what we r doing to this woman..she knows that he has stayed at my place while they were fightting..and that we go out together all the time..we also used to work together..but it seems she doesn't care..or she's trying to pretend everythings ok.. I would feel terrible if I found out my partner was cheating on me..but I really do love him a lot.. What do u think I should do..this has been going on 4 too long..




  1. You three could consider to live together! Happy!

    Global warming?

  2. he'll leave her later on just stop worrying

  3. I feel bad saying this But you need to leave him Hes not going to leave her I dont think ive ever heard of a guy leaving his wife for anyone Hes obviously getting something from you that hes not getting at home Its sad that guys lie like that to get what they want But it happens all the time So i would leave him now and not waste anymore of your precious time with someone that obviously has no respect for anyone other than himself Just think about it If he ever does leave her h**l probably do the same thing back to you Im sure you dont want to go through that And im sure you dont want to be a part of ruining his relationship more than it already is Even though its really not your fault Hes playing you and its bulls**t Let him go and find someone worth your time and love

  4. he will leave her ...when the cows come are making his life easy... a wife and a girlfriend...

  5. Ask him to try X-10 with her. They will bond, And U can swiftly relsolve ur conflict.

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