
Will history books be kinder to President Bush (43) than this generation is?

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The UN was losing face, and Clinton's sanctions were hurting the poor and average Iraqis all the while having no effect on Saddam.

Every intelligence network in the world (even Iraq's!!!) believed that Saddam had WMD. Ha Hussein remained in power there is no doubt with the oil money he would have accrued, that he would have sought them. What say you?




  1. History books are always kind to US presidents

  2. books are NOT always kind to US presidents... think Nixon... heck look at what SOME books even say about Clinton...

    I think the bigger the scandal the worse they're treated

    to answer the question I do believe that quite a few stories will be unfair against his intelligence level and the current war. face it thousands of Americans are unhappy with Bush

  3. Doubtful.  You tend to be remembered for your most negative attributes.

  4. I firmly believe that History is going to treat Bush 43 VERY WELL.

    HOW ELSE could they treat a man who, in the wake of several attacks under Clinton's watch, went on the offensive against Terror.  ENDED a series of strikes on US soil,  eliminated 2 dictatorships, created 2 democracies, gave woman and minorities the right to vote, work, and be educated?

  5. NO , as more gaffes and plots are discovered and proven ,he will look worse and worse .

  6. Why should they be kind to a president like him, he should be remembered as an oil greedy. money grabbing ba****d.

    Well Sadam only got the weapons for his false war from America, and then america invades. Bush is a real let down for america, people see america different now because of there misguided idiotic president.  

  7. Only after Jenna is "elected" and orders the revision.

  8. I really dont see how the government's failed response to Hurricane Katrina is going to change in perception even 25 years from now.

    Even if we are able to peacefully leave Iraq in a few years, The US has still not gained any strategic advantage in the war on terror. Iraq's survival after we leave will determine alot. Not finding WMDs and the torture and abuse at Abu Graib prison weigh heavy.

    Osama Bin Laden is still not captured.

    When Obama wins, it will depend on how much we'll be able to see as far as the corruption that this White House has taken part in. They may destroy all or most of the evidence before they leave so we may never know.

    Bush was going in the wrong direction on global climate change for most of his term in office. He will pay for that in the future.

    Sometime's I hope Bush lives a long life so he can finally figure out how much of a waste he really is. But he's probably too stupid to ever figure that out.  

  9. I think it would have, but Bush has ran up so much debt and the extreme cost of the war will never be worth the results, in my eyes.

    So at this point, I don't forsee it happening, but who knows.

  10. it is not at all true that every intelligence network in the world believed that Saddam had WMD's. you actually couldn't be more wrong. your also wrong about Clinton's sanctions hurting the poor Iraqis sadam the dictator was, the fact is there are lots of dictators around the world and lots of them developing wmds, (north korea, iran, etc.) but bush choose to invade iraq. THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE THAT IRAQ WAS DEVELOPING WMDS. it was stated in the 9/11 commission report as well.  

  11. Possible. You are judged as president by being correct on the big issue of your time.  Very little else matters.

    Ronald Reagan- Winning the cold war (

    Reagan compromised on many spending issues to insure funding for the cold war.  


    Was anyone taught in school the unemployment in 1939 was higher than in 1933 when he took office?

    Abraham Lincoln- Union

    Everything else pailed in comparison.

    Nixon -  Watergate

    Nixon was one of the best US presidents in the last 50 years, that is if we forget Watergate.

    Ike- Infrastructure


    Chamberlin could have been correct on every other issue, all forgotten now.

    SO in closing, if terrorism is the big issue of our time.  Not getting Osoma, and not closing the borders will hurt him.

  12. Wait and see.

    Lincholn wasnt a popular man, but now he is always in the top 3 of US presidents.  

  13. Too soon to tell.  Get back to me in 20 years.

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