
Will homeonwers insurance pay to replace the sewer line if a snake is stuck and cannot be removed?

by  |  earlier

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  1. i dont think so . call and make sure or go through your policy and find the information that relartes to your situation.

  2. No, because that sewer line is outside of the house.  They won't replace a sewer line clogged with tree roots, either.  

    Some policies WILL pay to jackhammer through your slab/basement to the part of the pipe under your house, but none will pay for digging through the driveway or yard.

    The pipe itself is not covered.

    Interesting question, because the pipe itself isn't actually DAMAGED.  If the snake is your pet, there are exclusions for losses caused by your pet.

    *vermin or rodents - also excluded - you can go with the wikipedia definition, which will NOT include snakes.  IF they deny on vermin or rodents, I'd fight that.  Vermin are bugs; fleas, cockroaches, ants, etc.  Rodents are mice, rats, etc.**

  3. The short answer: maybe. There are three factors that need to be addressed: 1) What sort of coverage is provided by your policy? 2) Is the snake considered vermin? 3) Who owns the sewer line?

    The first point is important. If you have a policy that covers Named Perils for coverage to the dwelling building, then we can stop right here because I can guarantee damage caused by snakes or animals is not a Named Peril under your policy. If you have All Risk coverage for the Dwelling Building, then we have to see if the damage is excluded under the policy, which leads me to my second point.

    All property policies contain an exclusion for damage to the Dwelling Building caused by "...birds, vermin, insects, raccoons or rodents...". The wording may not be exactly as shown but it will be similar. The question that will be asked by the insurer is, "Are snakes considered vermin?" Therefore if you decide to file a claim be prepared to argue with your insurer that they are not.

    The third point is also important. Where in the sewer line is the snake? Is it in the portion of the sewer line that is beyond the exterior walls of your house or within? If it beyond the exterior walls then you may want to check with your municipality to see at what point does the sewer line become your responsibility and at what point does it become the municipality's. If the area where the snake is located is the municipality's, then your insurer may decide to deny the claim as they will consider it the municipality's problem. Even if it is the municipality's responsibility some insurers may decide to pay the claim and then subrogate against the municipality to recover the loss. Hope this helps.

  4. Only the head is stuck I am guessing. I could remove it using a camera along with another snake.

    FYI, the sewer outside your house within your property line is still your sewer.

    This is why I tell everyone here to use a professional plumber as this is what could happen. Their insurance covers this. Yours does not.

  5. Did you manage that one yourself?  Call a plumber.

  6. No.

    There is an exclusion for damages that take place in the course of making repairs; snaking out roots would be considered a repair.

  7. what kind of snake?  Real hiss hiss snake or a plumbers snake???  That should make a difference

  8. I am guessing not, but you are going to have to check your insurance policy.  Since the sewer line is part of city/town property they will have to fix the problem, but since you got it stuck in the first place, you will have to reimburse the city.

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