
Will homeowners insurance cover my car getting hit with a falling basketball hoop??

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A couple of weeks ago, we had some pretty bad storms and our basketball hoop was knocked over and fell on top of my boyfriends car, putting a couple dents and scratches in the side door of my car. Will my homeowners insurance cover the costs to fix his car?




  1. Will your deductible even make it worth while to file a claim?  I'd just fix it and call it a day.  It won't be worth the increase to your premiums.

  2. No.  If he has comprehensive coverage, that's what covers falling objects.  If he doesn't, you could always be nice and just  pay for the damage out of pocket.  

    But your homeowners insurance won't pay.

  3. State Farm covered ours.

    We have State Farm for both our Home Owners and car insurance. But I am 99% sure it was our Home Owners policy that covered it.

    Good Luck!

  4. Have your boyfriend take his car to a couple of repair shops for some quotes to see how much the repair will cost.  Then he should consult with his car insurance company to see what his deductible is.  As one of the previous posters has already pointed out, it doesn't make sense to file a claim if the damages are less than the deductible.  Good luck.

  5. Base upon my recommendation may not totally answer the question,it is helpful indeed you go.

  6. yep

  7. NOPE! That is why you have car insurance.

    #1 If the car is a registered motor vehicle it MUST have insurance in order to be legal with the state

    #2 If there is ANY damage done to a motor vehicle which is registered the claim MUST go through the auto policy!

    WHICH MEANS-  even though it was a basketball hoop that fell onto the car, the claim still goes under the auto policy since the car has its own insurance.

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