
Will homeschooling ruin my chances...?

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I have gone to a regular school up to 8th grade. I am still in 8th grade, but want to get homeschooled next year. Will i get held back a year if i go back to school, if i don't like homeschooling?




  1. I don't think so. Most of the time, homeschoolers are more intelligent than public schoolers(sorry publics:()!

  2. Home schooling is verry hard, for me I live under Iowa's Home schooler laws, Public school seems easier them mine =(

  3. It definately depends upon the school district.  My husband works for our local district as a guidance counselor.  If you choose to homeschool, you should be prepared to stick it out at least a full year.  If you go back mid-year it can be really tough to catch up.  Also, your parents need to keep good records.  Most importantly, don't think of it as a temporary fix for some problem.  If your family decides to homeschool then do it wholeheartedly.  Research curriculum based schooling, unschooling, unit studies etc...Find other homeschooled kids your age and get involved in some activities.  Homeschooling does not ruin chances any more than school does if you take advantage of the opportunity.

  4. Only if you don't study for the whole year. Otherwise, no reason at all they should hold you back.

  5. It depends on your school district, but usually the answer would be no, you won't be held back.  The story changes a little if you are homeschooled in 9th-12th grade, but as long as its pre-high school it shouldn't matter at all.  As long as you can do grade level work, you should be able to enter 9th grade next year.

  6. You shouldn't be, you can go to school after, as long as you are smart enough to stay with the other kids

  7. No. If a school decides to hold you back a year because you were homeschooled that would be considered discrimination. Unless of course you truely are behind.

    When I started school in 4th grade my principal tried to convience my mom that I needed to be put in 3rd grade. His only reason (and ridiculous reason at that) was because my mom had not yet taught me cursive. My mom told him if he didn't put me where I truly belowed, meaning 4th grade, she would get an attorney invovled.

  8. Probably not, but it does depend on the state and what your parents are teaching you.  Your parents need to make sure you will be meeting the same standards as the public school students.  If 8th graders in your school study geometry, but you study algebra instead, you may have a problem.

  9. Some school districts will test you and then place you in the appropriate grade.  My niece was homeschooled and then went to the local public school. She was placed one year behind but tested two years behind.

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