There is a good chance that I'm going to need to go in and have surgery sometime soon, and I'm worried that the pain medication they give me post-surgery will not be strong enough to treat the pain I will have.
I've had surgery before for an appendicitis, so I am fully aware that they put you on a morphine drip immediately after for a couple of days, but I also remember them giving me 5 mg Percocet(Oxycodone/Acetaminophen) while I was in the hospital, and a prescription for more after I got out.
I remember experiencing a fair amount of abdominal pain during my time in the hospital and after I got out even with the morphine drip and Percocet, and this troubles me for the following reason:
I had never used Oxycodone recreationaly prior to the surgery the first time, and I experienced a decent amount of pain, but since then I HAVE, and at very high doses, (snorting 40 & 80 mg Oxycodones), I have taken as many as 8 Vicodin @ once as well.
I have not used either Oxycodone or Vicodin in a while, and am not addicted to either. (Oxy is too expensive on the street for me to get all that addicted, thankfully, and Vicodin is VERY LAME)
At any rate, I have learned from experience that just becuase you don't do these drugs for a while, it does NOT mean your tolerance drops right back down, as with many other drugs.
I'm afraid that if I voice these concerns to the docters/nurses they will immediatly assume I am an addict and not give me ANYTHING for the pain, but at the same time I KNOW that 5 mg. Oxy is not about to do **** for my pain, I need a much higher dosage.
Should I tell them that I have a tolerance and need a higher dosage/different pain killer or will this only lead to me getting NO pain killers and suffering even worse?
I can not seem to find ANY information on this searching the internet so I hope that a medical professional or someone with knowledge on the subject, on this site can help me.