
Will houses start selling again soon in ireland?

by  |  earlier

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Im building a house to sell hopeing to make a decent proffit so i can emegrate to australia for a new life with my girlfriend who is australian and living here in ireland with me for the past year an a half.Houses were selling like hot buns up til about a year ago but not anymore.The market has deterated dramatically.So ideas please on whats going to happen in this irish housing market.




  1. yes they will brother in about 1 month it will be house selling season

  2. As a seasoned real estate investor I can say that the market in Ireland is saturated.

    Homes have reached the point of no return. If you are building a house and looking for a modest return then you should be fine. However the idea of making 200k is around 5 years old and virtually impossible now.

    Again a lot depends on location if anything I would think the market will hit a freefall.

    Rents are way lower than mortgages are and with rates rising, declining dollar etc there is very little hope for the irish market in the short to medium term.

  3. yes

  4. Hold on to the house until the market improves.

    Australia may be fine for a few years but I would go experence australia  for a while before I would sell my house.

    I did the same and I eded up in New York for 25 years.I went at 24 years old.

    I dont love it so much now but my children are American  .If there was still a house I would go there in a shot as I can retire at 50 years old and I have real;y missed out on a lot in Ireland.

    Housing prices will be astronomical always in Ireland.Real Estate always appreciates  in value so hang in there.

    Getting that or any other house will be impossible for you in the future should you wish to come back  with your Australian girl.

    Rent it out and at least you will have an income.

    Put someone in the family in charge and pay them to look after things .make sure its a decent payment as they will have to make sure its well kept and follow on the rent  , get new tenants etc as necessary and pay the maintainance.

    In the meantime you will have a nice little nest egg of Euros to play with when you get home.on vacations.(Most Irish can barely scrape up enough  a once a year visit.due to the Australian dollar)

    PS my friends in Australia ALL want to come home to but cant afford to live as well as in Australia and get a house also. Principally for the kids to grow up in a better Irish one.though all make great money there.

    Talk to the Bank about settng something safe up. for yourself.It will benefit  both of you in the future to have agood income building up in the bank while you have fun in Australia.

    Itwill take a few years before the novelty of the place wears off and you really do face either a lifetime there or back home.

    Mary ,

    Good for you going there to check it out but hang on to that house!

    PS Make sure Immigration status will not result in youre getting caught and deported with nothing to fall back on and no where to live also.


  5. Houses will ALWAYS sell in Ireland, mate. People like the thought of owning their own home here! You just might not make the huge profit on it that you had hoped ....

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