
Will humans become a type 3 civilization or super advanced civilization sometime in the future?

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Will humans become a type 3 civilization or super advanced civilization sometime in the future?




  1. Advanced??? If first we can fix the problem of GLOBAL WARMING. If we were to be advance in the future, there are many things that at the moment point we are still primitive.

  2. I believe that we are ascending as a society as we speak.... i partake in meditation, i have been reading and researching a lot about this, i don't know if it will be in our life time but as we develop our energy fields we can assume that we could alter our vibrations to a point where we can transcend onto a higher plain.

    Spirituality and the connection to our higher self is the beginning of the process to create the changes necessary for us to become a type 3 civilization.   I truly believe that i was an Atlantian in a former life, and have been delving into my past lives and trans lives, it is interesting and i have learnt a lot about my place in the universe and the bigger picture which we are all a part of,  we will transform.

    Maybe there will be a separation, of sorts, we could be divided.... the spiritual souls, those full of knowledge will   develop further and the others will remain 'stuck' until either nature kills them off or they develop of their own accord.

    Remember Change is the only constant!

  3. if we don't  kill ourselves off then we probably will...

  4. maybe...if mankind doesnt all get destroyed by a giant asteroid before that.

  5. Whites a half century from now will be a minority... whites a century and a half from now will be extinct. The only groups to exist will be minority groups that have high birthrates and whose genes are dominant.

    Look at Detroit and Mexico. They are pretty good representation of what the western hemisphere will look like. Look at Iran - it's a pretty good idea of what Europe will look like. The only "super advanced civilization" out there will probably be eastern. The west will be primitive.

  6. Nope.  We might have done so, except that we squandered most of our terrestrial supply of fossil fuels in four wasteful directions:

    1. Comforts

    2. Alms for the poor

    3. Wars

    4. Excessive travel

    The billions of gallons of oil, the trillions of cubic feet of natural gas, which might have made a super advanced civilization possible were directed into channels that did not help to bring that civilization to reality. They made some people feel better for a while, but most of those people have finished their lives and are dead, and the energy that gave them comfort has left no lasting residue.

    Now the supplies of oil are running out, and there will be no way to continue with technological civilization once they are gone.  Since we well not have secured an extraterrestrial basis for continuing human technics, the highest works of man will come crashing down in the next hundred years or so, lost forever, never to be repeated.

  7. according to the theory of thermodynamics, we've already been a super advance civilzation. So how well we advance in the future will still be out shined by previous civilzations.

  8. No, we will die 1st.

  9. if we avert global warming and harness sun's energy then yeah...why not

  10. As a trade base civilization, we can only become a type 3 by becoming amazingly rich, so to be capable to spread to other planets. I don't think humans will become such civilization as our anatomy is not economic enough to do the job well. So my guess is the self replcating automaton will begin their reign as unnatural beings, and later evolved to become virtually alive will be capable to spread on planets where their is no oxygens! Actually I believe that we have more chance to find a robotic civilization on another planet, than finding a carbon based advanced civilization like ours...

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