
Will humans cause the destruction of Planet Earth?

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With wars, global warming, poverty etc, will we be the ones to cause our planets destruction?




  1. Not likely,unless to many nuclear bombs going off at the same time ,knocks this planet off its course, and the atmosphere is destroyed.

    But we most probably will cause our own extinction or at least the extinction of the civilization as we know it ,with out harming the planet beyond recovery.

    This planet has gone through some very violent environmental changes and always recovered .

    Although sometimes it must have taken hundreds or thousands of years.

    Mike D, got a lot of the ingredients right and Fergie does not appear to be from or on this planet.


    it must be so easy to say God will take care of us because he is in control.

    And all thinking stops right there.

    He isn't doing so well at the moment,maybe he does not love us anymore.

    Maybe we should look at ourselves instead of copping out on fantasies created to control us.

  2. I don't believe so. I think God will take care of us.

  3. YES

  4. no

    the planet will still exist, even if all life on the skin of the little blue apple disappears.

    We don't have any affect on the majority of the planet, just the surface.

  5. The Earth was made by God.

    And isn't it that the one who made such thing will also be the one breaking it?

    Man is just an instrument to make the world beautiful and we may have bended it to where we were able to crush it into piesces little by little. Man is "subject to ruin everything".

    But not the one to which he's not the maker.

    About the environment, well, man is claiming that since he's the caretaker he has the incentives of savoring the pleasure of it.

  6. no humans will destroy the human race not the earth the world goes through phases and ice ages and species emerge and then go. and as for global warming we may make it increase a little but considering the worlds modern state of affairs war should be our biggest concern when pertaining to the end of our world.

    idk if you are religious but check out the reveation in the bible it interesting.

  7. I doubt we'll destroy it entirely but it is hard to argue with the evidence that we are changing it for the worse on a scale previously unseen. Much emphasis is put on global warming these days, but perhaps even more critical is our constant (and escalating) harvesting of plants and animals. We cannot keep cutting down our forests, polluting the air, and dumping chemicals into our waters without some ill effects. If the CO2 story is correct, as unfortunately the data suggest it is, then we need our trees -- the lungs of the planet -- more than ever.

    It may not be time for doom and gloom, but we also cannot sit by idly for much longer.

    byderule: Thanks, and right back at ya -- very good answer. I'm not here to call people's faith in question, but putting all hope in a mythical character (no physical evidence to the contrary) really doesn't seem like a wise move! We need to take responsibility for our own actions, regardless of whether one believes in a supreme being in the sky...

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