
Will humans eventually evolve into some kind of animal ? Or will the human race die from a devastation?

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It is believed that December 21, 2012 will destroy the human race, because the Mayan Calender ends on that date, and there is also scientific evidence for it. So will the humans die of a devastation?

Or will we eventually transform some kind of animal, just like we transformed from the apes?




  1. Considering all animals:

    Be born







    i dont think talking languages and culture is enough to make us non animal or are we called humanimals.

    Its like sayin your child is not going to be human but then its child will be a human. LOL at one point our ancestors was just a furry ape which today you would personally call an animal for what that means to you I don't know but we came down the line and think we are not animals no more thats absurd.

  2. Certain fields of esoteric spirituality say that Mankind will evolve quite possibily at the time of the ending of the Mayan calender into superhumans.

    Superhumans are those who have either indiviually or quite possibly collectively have mastered the balancing of the personality and that of physical life to move upward in dimensional life to live as non physical personalities or to slow our vibration rate down sufficantly and through mental manipulation to create a physical biological(creaturehood/physical) form instead of having to be integrated into a human form provided by material parents. This would mean coming and going in a multitude of different realities both physical and nonphysical.

    The Mayans merely stated that life as we know it would be complete or cease to exist at this current level. It doesn't mean termination. There will be a separation of people/personalities by means of polaritiy. Those that achieve balance are the children who will inherit the new Earth. So inwardly do we stay, move on, change to meet the new criteria or  hedge our bets?

    Humans will not devolve physically. They will find other venues to continue their timeless ascent of becoming ever greater and some will even progress sufficantly to go new worlds where humans are being seeded for further expansion.

    Science is having some difficulty separating creaturehood. Because biological systems have similar attributes doesn't mean that they are identical. The DNAs and RNA'S don't match because they are parallel evolutions. Not necessarily up or down but a matter of experiantial  protocols.




  4. Just because a calendar ends on a certain day, that is the day humanity dies? Doubtful, but humans will not turn into animals, we do not have animal DNA.

    If humans evolved from apes, why are there still apes around? Why have humans been the same for thousands of years? Wouldn't we have evolved into something else by now?

    Evolution of humans is c**p, try evolution of our minds.

  5. i think if we DEVOLVED into an animal, it would be kind of the opposite of evolution.

    I's not sure if I quite believe the theory of that, though it is quite interesting and i will watch my back on that day...

  6. I still remember when I was in eighth grade, and everybody was saying the minite it going to be the year 2000, it would be the end of the world... And one questions or thinks about date, what is date really? Since there is 360 days in a year, we could have actually only had 6 months containing 60 days per month, so December 21, would no longer exsist, and only the frist 6 months of the year....

  7. There is no scientific evidence for the world ending on December 21st, 2012.  How could there be?  The only thing I can think of is a large meteor, because the date is so specific.  There are no large bodies currently slated for collision with our planet.

    Humans are evolving, albeit slowly.  But we don't appear to be devolving into a more primitive form.  Our jaws are getting slightly smaller, our eyes slightly larger, and our bodies slightly taller from generation to generation.

    As for the "humans don't evolve" people answering above, pay them as much mind as the scientific community: none.  There is absolutely no rational reason to think humans didn't evolve naturally, just like every other species on earth.  

    Questions like "if we evolved from apes, why are there still apes?" are ridiculous. 1) We didn't evolve from apes, but we share an ancestor, currently extinct, with apes.  2) dogs evolved from wolves, but there are still wolves, right?  Amphibians from fish, but there are still plenty of fish, too.  Please people, think before you post.

  8. Humans are some kind of animal.  The real question is will real intelligence ever occur?

  9. Nope, animals would be a stage lower.... not gonna happen

  10. I think we'll be devastated by a nuclear winter, an asteroid or supervolcanic eruptions.  Humans don't have time to devolve any further.

  11. That kind of evolution takes millions of years to happen. Also the apes right now are just as evolved as we are.

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