
Will humans ever care about the environment???

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people are missing the picture global warming is real for sure not a myth. look at the temps in california and florida all the way too ny strange pattern??? no thanks to warming of the earth we need to stop polluting this planet and use wind, solar and other sources before we all become extinct. We all need to take part and recycle stuff plant trees and be active in our environment wake up people its time to act:)




  1. They've known about global warming for almost 30 years now.  It is the gun-toting, bible thumping republican conservatives who say it is a myth.  They like to make up the news as they go along.


    CFCs Shown To Harm Ozone Layer (National) University of California scientists Mario Molina and Sherwood Rowland publish their finding that chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) used in spraycans, styrofoam, and in air conditioners and refrigeration equipment, is damaging the earth's stratospheric ozone layer, which protects life from harmful ultraviolet radiation."


  2. dude!  go outside and hug a tree !

  3. You do realize that only developed countries do everything you ask in your Question?

  4. I don't know about Al, but I do think we need to go to alternative energy sources such as sun, tides ocean currents etc.We also need to make sure the oil companies stay out of it or they will find a way to make it expensive.

    There are other ways we could save. I remember when someone went to town they would ask the neighbors if they needed anything.This would save a lot of fuel and possibly eliminate one car. Children should not be allowed to drive to school if there is a bus going by their house. (with few exceptions of course).

  5. yep...when its to late to fix it

  6. The myth of global warming has captured some inferior minds, it's true.  This myth has made fools out of them and turned their minds off to intelligent thinking.

    Humans do care about the environment, but now more than ever.  Our progress, with what we have to work with, has been pretty good overall.  Fighting a mythical ghost however, as the alarmists are, will accomplish nothing.  Their inablility to practice common sense is their problem, not ours.

  7. Humans care about the environment this very minute.

  8. Many humans care about earth, fun, life, love and giving. We have to know we made a mess in the atmosphere and have to clean it up that is why I founded

  9. Humans will only care about the environment when it begins to affect their lifestyles, or interferes with their ability to survive. That time is coming quickly.

    Since the start of our man-made 'industrial revolution' 150 years ago, mankind has accelerated the natural cyclical pattern of global warming, making it difficult for many plant and animals species to adapt to the coming climatic changes.

    Global warming is a cyclical event that happens over tens of thousands of years. By escalating the process, we have managed to disrupt the natural balance of the Earth.

    Arrogance, ignorance, neglect, avarice, sloth and hubris has set in to persuade man that he is the 'superior' being on Earth, and only his needs are important.

    We have failed miserably at being good stewards of the planet. We have recklessly disrupted the balance of nature for our own profit, comfort and convenience.

    Our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will pay dearly for our squander. The squalor that we leave future generations has yet to be completely measured, but there is no doubt it will be horrific.

    Whether you're Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, Christian, Jewish, agnostic or atheist, you certainly must recognize that EVERY species has a purpose on Earth. Even the lowly, ugly horse shoe crab* serves a purpose, as do mountains; polar bears; tsetse flies; Venus fly traps; rare, poisonous Amazonian frogs; remote Eskimo tribes; polar ice caps; wheat fields; rain forests; wetlands; 'uncivilized' tribal units in Brazilian jungles; swamps; mosquitoes; mangrove forests; oceans; krill; coral reef; human beings; glaciers; honey bees; spiders; caribou; meadows and all other elements of this Earth. Without all these things, mankind will DIE.

    But we refuse to REuse, REduce or REcycle; refuse to drive fuel-efficient cars; refuse to carpool or walk to work; refuse to adapt alternative energies; refuse to conserve energy; refuse to save wildlife; and refuse to do anything to protect or preserve our environment - the very environment that gives us life.

    We won't care about the environment until it impacts on our lifestyles dramatically.  -RKO-  06/29/08

  10. You are right, global warming is NOT really a myth. Whether you believe it or not, it's not an issue anymore, it's a documented fact. We should really wake up and act.

  11. I care about the earth a lot. I was thinking the same thing to!! Maybe... Just maybe... if one of us could take the time to research more about GW and issues in the enviroment like that, and how to solve this problem and create a chain email telling about Global Warming and how to stop it, we will think more about global warming and how to stop it. I know I would, even though emailing is using energy and causes GW, we would be using it for a good cause!! Hopefully it would change how we think!!

  12. me personally i care about the environment.... but i could give a flying f*** what anyone else thinks..... id support solar and wind on my own dollar just so i dont have to pay into corporate power  every month.... i think being self sufficient is good any way you look at it.

  13. When people become EDUCATED.  The doubters dont even believe in Modern science. They have been brainwashed by their church and the Greedy Oil Party Neocons who ONLY care about short term profit.

  14. People do care about the environment.  It just takes time to change.  My parents who are in their 80's have always cared about the earth.  They were great role models.  My brother became a world renowned scientist in the field of ecology.  The hope for our future lies on adults who model environmental awareness and action to our children. Peace.

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