
Will humans keep evolving to something better or are we just a mistake waiting to die?

by Guest32744  |  earlier

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Will humans keep evolving to something better or are we just a mistake waiting to die?




  1. What?  Do you wanna live forever?  Individual beings don't evolve.  We are born the way we are and we stay that way our whole lives.  As a race I think it is likely that some of us will survive well into the distant future, but not before many clashes and changes are forced upon everyone who lives on the planet.  Unfortunately, our economies (which support our survival) are based on growth and if we don't STOP growing as a population then all of our problems are only going to continue to worsen -- starvation, dwindling resources, fighting over territory and resources, disease and disaster.  So, if the race is to successfully continue on then it absolutely must change all of it's philosophies completely.  We must stop the reproductive madness in it's tracks and learn how to run our economies based on immediate value instead of mortgaging futures and basing success upon percentage of growth.  If "we" can do that we will then also have to deal with all of the religious madness out there as well.  

    My shorter answer is.  I believe that some of us will survive to live in a very interesting future.  Meanwhile, most likely most of us will be wiped out by each other and the environmental and bio-disasters that we bring upon ourselves.

    No matter what happens one thing is for sure.  Nothing lasts forever.  If we concentrate on now we will be better off for it.  

  2. I also really wonder whether we human beings keep evolving towards something better or are we on the contrary waiting for doom.

    Of course we are supposed to evolve no doubt. But the way things  are happening in different parts of the world, everywhere, injustice, extremism, terrorism and all unexpected things are going on. Many people are really starving. Many more are suffering due to illness - physical as well as mental. There are lot of atrocities and chaos. The Governments in power are mere spectators. Along with common citizens, they also join in lamenting.

    Universal problems remain still unattended. Many are living without shelter. United Nations Organization and its agencies are not able to bring succor.

  3. it seems strange to answer this question in print as I believe not only my life but all our lives constitute an answer to that question.

    When I delve this deep I use an evolutionary metaphysics. It leads me to consider that 'everything gets better' and that remains a true pattern to the universe because everything that does not evolve does not continue.

    our biological evolution is assured, we are the dominant species that is no longer the battle ground - we have evolved beyond biology - we are now social and intellectual beasts and at those levels we have no assured evolution - we are the masters of our own destiny . Nothing short of our continued social and intellectual quality stops this planet being torn apart by great wars.

    We are still vastly at test in our social and intellectual evolution.  

    this answer is not an answer, as i said, our lives are! and our true answer is never complete so you can can plainly see this most valid of questions still remains....  

    ....Will humans keep evolving to something better or will we die?

  4. Actually: that is up to us know...god has watched us for so very long and now we are beginning to understand science and spirtits ,souls , different dimensions,.God may have made us in his own image just as well as he made other beings in his image...for the body? I feel that the standard 4 limbs,two eyes, and so on is final body we are to be in.

    but you're not asking that...your asking if we will survive and enter the future where equals are equals and money is gone and we all have a purpose in our lives...a purpose in life is a big thing ...we have to stride for something or we will just settle and wither away...the things we can do now were unthinkable thousands of years ago, and they probally asked the same question...

       yes--- we will move on...

  5. Human DNA in the hands of a science is seen as a seed. The view has been to design a better mind , maybe the science would rather trigger a thought process for the end of flesh and the mind to know it lives. A life without knowledge of existence maybe? Or be it to save a few who would continue to know.

  6. If we can get off this planet b4 we destroy it entirely, human will keep evolving and colonizing on the moon, space stations and beyond. Of course any remaining people - large urban areas, aboriginals - will also evolve. Eventually the 2 different pop's (terrestrials and et's) will become different species with enough time and distance and change and will seem alien to whatever groups still reside on Earth - much like today.

  7. people choose to be whatever they are.being drawn to something does not mean you have to live a certain still have a choice to do right or wrong.

    evolution is nothing more than a bunch of theories that some people use because they would rather not be held to the standards of the bible.they choose to not believe in GOD because that would not be convenient for the lifestyle many of them choose to pursue.

    it does not change the facts just because you ignore them.

    GOD is the creator of all things,evolution is another lie of Satan's to draw us away from GOD.

    life will go on pretty much as it is.people will be more emboldened to live openly in sin as it is spouted to be diversity and political correctness crapola.crimes will increase and wars and disrespect for all forms of life and disregard for GOD and his laws,lies and chaos preached and accepted by a bunch of selfish,godless fools till GOD puts an end to it all and comes to save his people.

    but you don't have to believe me,do a little research for yourself.start with the KING JAMES VERSION of the Holy Bible.


  8. Nature doesn't make distinctions of "better" or "worse" -- assuming we live long enough, we will evolve into something DIFFERENT, and best suited to our environment.

  9. We'll probably have bigger heads and less developed bodies.

  10. at the rate we are going we will probly evolve into slugs

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