
Will hurricane Bertha hit mexico?

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Will hurricane Bertha hit Texas? We have already had to deal with Rita, but atleast she hit the U.s in the end. Why does Texas have american shops, where every where I see are latinos? should texas become it's own country and break free from mexico and U.S?




  1. Why did you go from talking about hurricanes to talking about Texas becoming independent? First of all, there is no way to tell where Bertha will hit, if anywhere, but my guess would be that it will not hit Texas. In case you haven't noticed Texas can't "break free" like some people think. If they could, they would have after the Civil War. The federal government would never allow it because states do not have the right to secede. We're all in this Union forever. By the way, what does it matter if you are Latino?

  2. Hope so!

    Give them Spics something to worry about!

  3. Absolutely!

  4. If you are worried, move out of Texas.

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