
Will huskies be ok in the heat?

by Guest56726  |  earlier

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I want to get a husky for a pet but will it be okay in the heat and humidity of TN as an outside dog?




  1. NO!!!!!!

    First off, dogs should not live outside.  They are social animals, and they need companionship.... forcing a dog live alone outside all its life (even if you go out to play with it every day -- it still is left in the yard when you go in) will cause serious mental and emotional damage.  

    If you can't have an inside dog, you shouldn't have a dog at all.

  2. Just make sure there's shade and PLENTY of water.

  3. I have owned chows & huskies in many warm climates as outdoor pooches.  Generally with shade and a kiddie pool to wade in they are fine.  You should also provide a place where they can dig in cool slightly damp soil.   Many of these breeds will create a "indent" in the ground so they can cool off by scraping the ground to get to the cooler soil.  

    All "spitz" type breeds "blow their coat" which means they shed the undercoat which is the main insulator in keeping them warm during summer months.  Its best NOT to shave these breeds if you can avoid it because they outter guard hairs still provide insulation from the heat.  Much like a tee shirt would prevent the sun from beating down on your skin and making you hotter.  

    But DO research this breed CAREFULLY!!!!!  They can be excellent escape artists, they can climb and dig with the greatest of ease and are prone to roaming.  They are a VERY high energy breed and require lots of DAILY exercise.  Just walking them a few blocks may not cut it, I have to run my German Shepherd 4-6 miles daily with the bike to keep him happy.  An unhappy dog WILL make you unhappy in the long run, because he/she will develop behavior issues you won't want to deal with.  They are a wonderful breed but like all breeds, are not for everyone.  

  4. No! They will not do well in the heat nor outside. They are a pack dog and like to live indoors with their family. No double coated dog is going to do well in heat, especially living outside. Let the dog live inside with air conditioning. If you want a pet to live outside that does well in the heat, get a cactus.  

  5. I live in Northern CA, and my husky gets really hot during the summer when she is outside. Huskies have very thick coats, and they don't do well in the heat. She stays in the house most of the time during the summer and she is still drinking quite a lot. I also give her an "ice bottle" during a hot night, or she will fidget and be unable to fall asleep.

    If you get a husky, I would keep the dog inside as much as possible during the summer. If that is not possible, I would look into a different breed, with a much shorter coat.

  6. yes just give it lots of cold water more than u get.

  7. Only if you have the right home suitable for a husky.  Shade and cold water is NOT enough to keep a husky cool.  They need to be in an air-conditioned house!  They also need to be in a completely fenced in yard...they want to run and will, the first chance they get! Please research the breed and the personality of the dog first if you do decide to get a husky (AND PLEASE ADOPT FROM A SHELTER-THERE ARE SOOO MANY HUSKY RESCUES!).  I have owned huskies all my life and some need to be outdoors and others are content to be inside.  I live in NY and my husky cannot bear the heat from late May to August.  She really needs the air-conditioner.  Huskies are wonderful pets, but much more wolf-like than dogs. Again, I would suggest volunteering at a husky rescue first to make sure that a husky is for you.  

  8. Since they have a lot of fur, make sure they are in shade and have plenty of cold water!!!!

    Good luck=)

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