
Will i EVER get it? ( females only please!!)?

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ok i am 14 years old and almost 15 and i haven't gotten my period yet!! i am very small (like 84 lbs) and im only (around) 4' 11" ( i am not anorexic i eat like a horse!! and i cant gain any weight!) my mom started her period in the summer of 7th grade and im going into 9th grade. i've had this yellowish stuff... down there for like a year and it hasnt stopped. my friend told me that that means ur hormones are working but not together (or something like that) and i know i will get it eventually blah blah blah but i want to get it now!! i dont really have anyone to talk to cuz all of my friends have started and they just say that im lucky...which im not! its really frustrating and im really mad =[ and it sucks cuz i cant do anything about it




  1. i know you dont want to hear this... but you are seriously freaking lucky! One of my friends did not get her period untill she was 16. So enjoy it now because soon it will come and you will hate it.

  2. my friend just got hers this year (11th grade) and she only weighs 95 lbs.

    i think once you gain more weight you'll get it.

    trust me, after you get it, you're not gunna want it.

  3. you will get it  probably sooner than you expect and after you get it you'll be like **** i really was lucky because its a PAIN IN THE @SS

  4. if ur 16 and u dnt have it see a doctor but otherwise consider urself lucky

  5. ok...u will get it...probably soon. my mom didnt get it until she was lik 16 or something nd i got it in lik the 7th grade. so it doesnt always depend on when ur mom got it. nd next time u go to the doctor u should tell him/her bout that yellowish stuff nd ask him/her about it. nd i kno how u feel...all my friends got theirs way earlier than mine. it sucked  nd they all told me i was sososo lucky...but i just didnt want to hear it...then when i finally got it  it wasnt that bad at all nd i was happy nd then the next month came nd i started to get cramps...nd then i saw y they said i was in some ways  u r lucky...but u wnt realize it until u get it.  hope that helped!!!  good luck!!!

  6. hey can say urself lucky or anything u want

    u dnt have to deal with the cramps .pain,etc

    u must see a gyno


    gosh... having your period SUCKS ***. im not even kidding. feeling bloated and tired once a month. not wanting to do anything. worrying about leaking... its awful. thank God that you dont have it yet.

    you might be to thin to start. you have to have a certain amount of body fat to start...

  8. it will come worry ..and be thankful u dont have it yet because it sucks to have it

    i got mine when i was 11 years old and everytime i have a very special outing i get my period erer and i get pimple on my face that r hard to get rid of

  9. ok you need to talk to your mom about seeing a gyno.

    It sounds like you may have an infection, which could be preventing you from starting.

    The fluids down there are not suppossed to be yellow.  A normal color is white to clear.  Yellow is not normal!

  10. It is frustrating, but there is nothing you can do about it unfortunately, no dieting or anything. Exept there are some characteristics of girls who get it yearly. Girls who get it earlier usually arn't very physically active and are a bit pudgy and I heard that African nationalities get it earlier on average. But do NOT try to make yourself fatter or not physically fit! That yellow stuff is called "discharge" which you'll still get even once you've had your period. You get it before you get your period, usually for 6-18 months before. Your friends are saying your lucky because you don't have to deal with panicking about your bleeding or cramps. But you do worry about when it will happen, like in the middle of class or something. Just carry pantie liners in your backpack to be on the safe side. I think it's better to get it younger so you can get that weird stage over with quicker, like the learning how to use everything and stuff. You'll be fine, i went through the same thing!

  11. Please go see a doctor. By 9th grade most people have gotten their period. If you don't have it, you can probably get it started by a doctor using pills and such.

  12. this probably isnt something you want to hear.  Cuz its all the same but everyones different even if ur mom got hers early genetics from ur fathers side could be the reason ur getting urs later or just plain genetics on any side.  We're all unique.

  13. you will soon. everyone does. unless u have problems. then u have to see a doctor. but your fine everyones different.

    My mom got hers when she was 15 almost 16. but i got mine at 11 almost 12. so everyone changes. it depends on ur body.

  14. I understand you wish you had it. My mom said she didn't get hers until she was 16. i got mine when i was 13. But trust everyone on this.. you DON'T want it. its pretty miserable. i understand it maybe frustrating cause you want to fit in but you got to give it time. It'll come soon enough.

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