
Will i b with her forever?

by Guest21412  |  earlier

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ok i am 14 and love my girlfriend more than anything and yes i no it is very very unlikely for a teenage relationship to work but i love this girl so much and i want to b that one couple that makes it all the way what do u think??




  1. If you can keep her happy trust me you could keep her don't f*k around and i mean it be good,encourage her with wat she does,and don't get jealous because that means it might end but good luck.

  2. Only time can tell :)

    Good luck to the both of you.

  3. i think that is super sweet, but unfortunately the future is extremely uncertain.

  4. How can we possibley give you an answer to this question?

    Yes?No? The future is uncertain

  5. After consulting my Magic 8 Ball, the answer is ....


    But enjoy your life and don't try to predict the future.  You are young and so much can happen.  Just live your life to the fullest and have a great attitude.  And more than anything, make certain you have fun.

  6. I think you are very young. This sounds like a first love type thing. But I have never known those to last very long...not even forever. Things change, people change and so will you. That's the way it's supposed to's normal. I know things seem intense right now but you don't know the first thing about relationships and dealing with love and all it's baggage. You don't have the maturity or the experience yet. But you will. Enjoy your first love but don't think it is the only one you will ever have.

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