
Will i bcome a Loyar?

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i america orlando




  1. Is that an Ice Skating move?

  2. no

  3. if you can learn to spell then there might be a slim chance

  4. anything is possiable these days. U just have to work at it and work hard.

  5. not if you can't spell....

  6. Knot unllecse yoo go to Hookt on Foniks.

  7. You need to learn to spell it first!!

  8. You are an idiot.

  9. It's "Lawyer" sweetie, not "Loyar".  Just an FYI.

    If you go to law school you can become a lawyer, it just takes awhile and a lot of studying.  Go for it.

  10. sre u kan. obvisly smert enuf

  11. Not with that spelling!

  12. If you go to Low School.

  13. Not with that spelling.

  14. no, because you can't even spell lawyer correct

  15. if u learn to spell lawyer

  16. Ice Skating honey, and ure stupid question has nothing to do with it!

  17. I think you need to learn to spell first!

  18. and what does this have to do with ice skating

  19. I don't think your question is in the right category. And remember, you have to take yourself seriously if you want others to take you seriously.

  20. made me laff even more that this in ice skating lol love it

  21. If you put your mind to it, you can, but it looks like you have a long ways to go especially since you posted this in the ice skating section.

  22. Keep hitting the books pay. English and spelling is your first bet. Maybe even typing.

  23. I hope your never going to be my `Loyar`!

  24. Whats a loyar???

    do you mean lawyer?

    go back to school hunni cos nooone will take you seriously with spelling that bad.....

  25. Do you mean Lawyer? I don't think you're going to get very far just call it a hunch.

  26. No, lawyers are required to have at least a modicum of intelligence and literacy.

  27. This guy is a joke...

  28. Better brush up of the English language first.

  29. I think you have to be able to spell "lawyer" to be one

  30. and what does this have to do with ice skating???

  31. Maybe you should make English your first priority.
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