
Will i be a poser if i.....??? easy 10 pointts

by  |  earlier

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if i wore really emo clothes but only liked them cuz of the stye not cuz i wanna be emo!!! im acually happy would this be ok??? im 14 and dont wanna be made fun of by other ppl




  1. Tell them it's not an "emo" style. It's the style that you like :]

    Thats not being a poser, more like being yourself.

    Hope i helped.

  2. Id say no.

    Nobody has the right the judge you based on how you clothes.

    Its your choice, dress the way you want, its your right

  3. No you would be a poser if you change your personality.

    Who the heck cares anyway!

    If anyone gives you c**p just tell them to get a life.


  4. do what you want its your life

  5. ppl wont make fun of you.. emo is not bc of the way you dress is more of a religion and what u believe.. so go ahead and wear what you want i also find the style amazing

  6. I think a poser is someone who acts like something they're not. In your case, you're dressing how you want to dress. If anyone thinks you're a poser, that's their problem. If people see that making fun of you doesn't matter to you, then they're leave you alone.

  7. ppl might start to think things that just look at you so i would not wear to emo but mb in between

  8. Why don't you try being a leader and not a follower ,,,, Wear what  you want to wear and don't let fads and styles or what ever dictate what you do ,,,, Be different and stand out in your own way ,,,, Maybe you will start a new trend that others will follow ,,,,  Display yourself as an individual that can think for yourself rather than letting the fad and fashion setters do your thinking for you ,,,,   People are like cattle ,,,, Get the lead bull to go the way you want the herd to go and the rest of the herd will follow with out question ,,,, //

  9. nah you would not be there is a style called EMO you do not have toy be Emo to where the cloths okay wear what you what do what yo uwant to do be who yo uwant and be who you are k if who ou are is a kid who likes EMO clthes and wears them then  go for it and you are not okay

  10. dress how u want to! my best friends wears stuff like that and she is not emo at all! shes actually really cool! lol so dont let anyone stop u from how u want to dress!

  11. no not at all. u must be who u are. and if ppl run their mouth, ignore them. i kno its hard but i got mi hair fixed and got made fun of. ppl called me skunk. but i got over it cuz i liked mi hair. dress like wat makes u happy

  12. to a point it won't matter.

  13. dress the way you want.

    just dont go around calling yourself emo because thats probably when people will start making fun of you.

  14. tbh it really annoys me tht every body has to be labeled, u see i listen to every type of music i dont get labeled all my freind think or weird labels for me but never get ne to fit lol you shouldnt listen to the CHAVS who rip it lol there just nob and girls seem to like emo style newayz gl on finding ur answer :P

  15. they will say your a poser but you know u just like them.. i know what u mean tho

  16. wear them and if someone makes fun of you say  "Black is in.....(color of their shirt) is out"

  17. dont bother with ppl dress the way u want i dress the way i want and no one says ****

  18. Being a poser is saying you're emo to people, which you aren't doing. If you really like the clothes, then wear them! People may call you a poser, but you won't be as long as you're yourself.

  19. Punk clothing is way better.  

  20. I'm 15 and I say that you should dress however you want.

    Don't pay any mind to those worthless labels.

    When you're applying to colleges, I'm pretty sure none of them will be impressed if you write in your resume that you were considered emo or a poser in high school.

    Just be you.  It's much, much easier.  And stand up for yourself if anybody gives you trouble.  :]

  21. if you wanna dress emo....dress emo

    you should wear whatever you want when you want

    never think what other people think of you

  22. well im 13  im not really considered anything maybe im a little punk and prep but u wont be a poser but dress how ever u want just live your life the way u want to live it bro  

  23. everyone older'll make fun of you tons

    but if it'll make you happy go for it

  24. People do that at my school all the tome. just don't do all the make up and the aditude.

  25. ummmmmm, it don't matter what others think, so dress how u want

  26. dress however you want.

    lables shouldn't matter =]

  27. dress howw yew wanttt

    who care wut people sayy

  28. That shouldn't make you a poser! I have all sorts of different styles of clothes that I wear just because I like them, and I don't get made fun of!!!!

  29. yes, be your own person; as long as you don't change your personality you're fine!

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