
Will i be able to get into a UC with this score?

by  |  earlier

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i took the SAT reasoning test recently, and scored 1650. can anyone tell me if that's okay for a UC?




  1. That's below average than their norm but as long as you have a good grade point average and a reasonable amount of extra-curricular activities then you should be able to get in. . .

    I just wanna add that my GPA was average and my SAT score was not much higher than yours. . .I believe I got it due to my commitment to extra-curricular activities

  2. like the other guy said your GPA is going to make a difference, volunteering and the rest of you CV doesn't mean jack in this case. Cal, UCLA & UCSD are pretty much out of reach, unless you take the test over and do a lot better. UCM probably yes, UCSB & UCSC if your lucky. best bet take it over.

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