
Will i be fired for this?

by  |  earlier

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At work today I had to talk to a very boring client. He kept making tedious small talk and waffling on about his personal life and all this stuff that had absolutely nothing to do with the stuff I was supposed to be talking to him about. So finally I just snapped and I yelled at him "listen you demented corpsef**ker, no one cares about your boring personal sh*t as far as im concerned you can go and jerk off with cow sh*t." Than I ran out of the office sobbing because I was so bored. I went home and didn't come back to work all day, now i am nervous over what my boss will say when i arrive at work tomorrow, Do you think i wull be fired? and if you were my boss would you fire me just for this?




  1. Assuming you're not us.... ;-)

    Yes.  You very well could be, and I think you know that.  Not only did you make a mistake by blowing up at a customer, you then chickened out and skipped out on the rest of your shift, rather than attempting to correct the situation by apologizing profusely to the customer, explaining what you did to the boss... facing the music right away, basically.  

    And it's a strange way to blow up.....  Many people have done something similar to this, but your words were awfully, well.. demented.  ("Corpse******?"  lol)

    Depending how long your boss has known you, and how well you've been doing at the job otherwise.... he/she may take this episode as a mini-meltdown, and a personal issue you're dealing with, and just write you up, suspend you for a while, or something.  

    But let's be honest here.  Many bosses would fire you, yes.  

    You really brought your personal issues to work, big time.  Your blow-up had nothing to do with this customer.  He/she didn't really do anything to provoke you to say something like that, and you know it.  

    Go in and face the music tomorrow.  If you're not fired on the spot, do what you can to make it right... but accept the consequences if it doesn't work out as you want.  And take it as "lesson learned."  And figure out what's going on with yourself.  What brought that blow-up on.  

    Regardless of what's going on personally, you really have to learn to leave it home.  This may very well be your first big lesson in that - learned the hard way.  But look at it from that perspective.  An optimistic one - and vow to do better at your next job.  If you DO lose this one.

    And for God's sake, deal with your personal issues.  Don't just decide "I'll hold it in next time."  No.  You have to find out what's going on.  Go to therapy, talk it out with loved ones/friends/people who know better, read self-help books... or all of the above.  Maybe even see a doctor and see if you aren't clinically depressed.  You may have to go on anti-depressants for a while.  No shame in that.  

    Good luck.

  2. I think your lying.  If you really did that...and you still have to ask whether your going to get fired for that?? Come on now....

  3. Yes. That was dumb.

  4. yeah sorry,you need to control your temper.i would def fire

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