
Will i be fired tomorrow..........?

by  |  earlier

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after already handing in my resignation 2weeks ago? lied about being ill and think boss has found out! what should i tell him tomorrow!???




  1. Just admit your not happy, thats you should of told the truth but you didnt know how too. if your not happy, your not happy, what can he do. youve already handed in your notice.  

  2. tell the boss that you had the phone on silent because you had been so sick and asleep you exhausted and  you have not listened to your answer phone ,sorry! hope this helped, you could also you had gone to an all night chemist to get medication then went straight to bed,  

  3. tell him to go blow himself you got a new job and dont need him

  4. If you're leaving why do you care?

  5. Depends if he has proof or not...if he doesn't he may just dock your pay.

  6. be honest with him, tell him that you had to lie cuz you were so stress and needed to get some fresh air away from work atmosphere, then finish it with one word "SORRY".

  7. Does it matter?

  8. u resigned..whats the worry?

  9. If you lied, he can terminate you with cause. Sorry, but if you turned in your resignation, you shouldn't have missed work.  Even if you were sick, you should have gone and have them send you home.  If you do get fired, you deserve it and they have cause.

  10. Depends what exactly you found out? Can you explain the situation?

    You could always play the 'I'm depressed' card, but you were embarrassed to tell him because it's 'so severe'. Tears help!

    Eva x

  11. They can't fire you instantly, they have to give you notice. You will probably have reached your resignation date before any notice they could give you would have happened.

  12. Just because you dont answer your landline dont mean you wasn`t at home, you could have been in the bath/in bed/ignoring the phone cause you couldn`t be bothered answering cos you were ill...he cannot fire you as you are serving out your notice...front it out and dont go off sick again whilst still there.

  13. Haha ... that's why I *never* give my landline to my employer - I always tell them I haven't got one and give them my mobile number only.

    I'm confused though ... you handed in your resignation two weeks ago, but you still need a month's pay?  So you were on a six week notice period?  If you were only a month's notice as is normal, then you've only got two weeks to go so if you were fired you'd only be missing out on two week's pay, not a month's.

    To be honest I don't see why you would get fired.  He has no proof that you lied.  As has already been pointed out, you could have been asleep or in the bathroom.  Or, maybe you had to go out - even if you are sick, if you need groceries or medicines and you've got no-one else to get them for you, then you have to go out yourself.

  14. Hi

    I'm a bit confused regarding whats what. If you have only been off sick today, or for 2 days, then don't worry. He is not supposed to call you at home, and how does he know that you were not asleep or in the bath. I think you're worrying too much. He would have to give a verbal, and written warning before he cans sack you.

  15. Since you're leaving anyway, I don't think your employer would want the hassle and extra paperwork associated with firing you.  I don't know what he may have learned about whether you were sick today, but if he confronts you tomorrow, I think you should just say you felt awful when you woke up but started to feel better later in the day.  

  16. What you should tell him tomorrow is you lied about being ill, took time off that your boss had to pay for, that you don't deserve to have a job because you take the out of the company that was good enough to give you a job. If it's a small company maybe your boss had to take a mortgage on his house to start the business, put himself in huge debt to try to achieve a dream, and then has to pay a taker like you.

    Hope you lose your job and never find another one again, start your own business and then employ someone like yourself who puts you out of business. What you should tell your boss tomorrow is you don't deserve a job, goodbye

  17. If you gavve notice, why would they fire you?  Employers don't want to pay unemployment.

  18. Most states are "at will" states which means you may quit or be let go at any time for any reason as long as it doesn't fall under the discrimination definition. So unless you signed a contract or are in a union you could probably be let go at any time. Of course if the let you go without cause, then you are eligible to file for unemployment. It does no good to worry though. Just go with the flow and look at your options if it does happen.

    This is for another discussion but that's why some people don't give notice also. You are not required to do that either. It's common courtesy to give your company time to line up a replacement. Some companies let people go as soon as they give notice though.  

  19. You deserve to be fired.

  20. he cant prove it. your leaving anyway, so what does your boss care?

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