
Will i be safe on Yamaha R6 08?

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I have seen many people say that R6 is not a beginners bike it can be difficult to ride etc. Well, i came from India to USA like a 4 months ago. I am 20 yrs old , 146lbs, 5ft8in.

I have 2 yrs exp riding bikes ranging from 100cc, 150cc, 180cc, 220cc, 350cc etc..

Would buying a R6 be a safe choice...and ofcourse i am a very responsible rider ....




  1. Usually I would say no, but since you seem to have experience, and just by the way you wrote this I can tell that you're responsible.  Go for it, I just suggest you take it to an open parking lot and practice before you hit the freeway, but that's all.

  2. It's all your call the great thing about a 600cc 4 cyl is that you won't grow out of it as quick it'll definitely be a step up from your others but i'd say your good to go..Otherwise a Kawa Ninja 650R or GSX-650F are good choices to learn on but you'll want more bike after you get used to those.

  3. The safety of a bike lies under the riders helmet.("responsible rider").

    If you've had some experience, and especially if it included some dirt riding,

    you can handle the 600.

    just be easy with that throttle until you get a good feel for the thing.

  4. yeah. get it.

    with your street smarts from India, you would have no problems in US.

    have fun.

  5. If you were so sure that you are capable enough to control this R6, you would not have felt the need to come here and search for similar people with similar concerns.  And then upon finding lots of them you joined them by also post much the same question as so may others.

    The posting of your question confirms you your self question your own ability to control this bike.

    In that case you don't need us,  listen to your self,  don't do it.  

  6. My friend just bought the exact bike. He is about your size. I would suggest sitting on it first, its back end sits pretty high. That is about all. He never rode a bike before and has had no complaints.

    BTY: A GSXR 600 has a feature you may like, it will allow you to downplay the motor three ways, 250cc?, 400cc?, 600cc by using a selector switch. Dont know if others come this way or not.

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