
Will i beable to make it???plzz help me plzz

by Guest34426  |  earlier

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ok well i am on my period and i use pads but tomorrow i have a woteratack fight atr camp im getting soacked will i beable to do it still?

oh and u swim in a map why night or why plzz tell me




  1. Water fight should be ok, swimming with a pad is not, use a tampon.

  2. I wouldn't, just use a tampon, The second day after I got my first period I went on a trip to a lake and I had to wear a tampon they're uncomfortable at first, but as you get better at placing them you can't even feel them. I love em, I hate pads.

  3. You will prob be PMSing because of your period so i dont know if your going to was to water fight... but then again you might be PMSing so bad you will win LoL... but dont use pads... they get full of water and start to break... use a tampon

  4. ok well i dont understand a thing you just asked :D

  5. You can not swim if you are in you're period but if you are just in a water fight is fine yeah you will be able to make it!:)

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