
Will i become pregnant?

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i had my periods on 2nd of this month and it lasted for three days...i had s*x with my hubbie on 9th.i have 28 day cycle or 26 day cycle at times...will i pregnant?




  1. maybe, sperm can live inside you for up to 5 days, so there could be a few swimming around waiting for your egg, theres not a yes no answer i can give, if you are trying to get pregnant have as much s*x as possible.. all the best x

  2. Not very likely. You have a 28 or 26 day cycle, which means you may ovulate on Cycle Day (CD) 13 or CD 14 or somewhere around it. But you had s*x on CD 8. Although sperm can survive inside the female body for around 5 days in fertile conditions, it is unclear whether you would have entered your fertile period by then. Hence, I would say unlikely. s*x can result in pregnancy if it is close to your ovulation time, which falls somewhere midcycle.

  3. The best time to try to get pregnant is when you are ovulating.

    To find out when you are ovulating (when your egg drops waiting to be fertilized)

    count 14 days from the first day of your period, you got your period on the 2nd, so you would start ovulating around the 16th (could be a few days before or after) and lasts 24 - 48 hrs, so today thru the 19th would be your best chances of getting pregnant...when ovulating you will notice a heavy stringy discharge and a rise in body temp...after s*x rest for 30 min. don't go to the bathroom, shower...

    Exercise, getting adequate sleep and having an o****m when making love will raise your chances of getting pregnant.  

  4. Based on your cycle and assuming an "average" ovulation of around day 14 for a 28 day cycle (which may or may not be your case, many women vary and you could ovulate on day 12 or 16 or 13 or 18...), then your chances are not the best. Sperm can live for 5 days though, and since you have s*x on cycle day 7, you could get pregnant if you happen to ovulate on cycle day 11 or 12. Which I suppose could be very possible in the case of a 26 day cycle, as you said you sometimes have.

    But there is no way to say if you will or will not get pregnant...Even if you were using an ovulation prediction kit and KNEW that you ovulated on the 9th, and had s*x at a perfect time - it is not a sure thing that you would get pregnant. An average, healthy couple who have perfect timing trying to get pregnant still have just a 20-25 percent chance of success.

    The only way to know if you will get pregnant is to wait until your period is due (or ideally, see if it is late), and then take a pregnancy test. You will then know whether or not you got pregnant.

  5. There is never a definite answer until the test is positive/negative.

  6. you could be because if you have not used a condom and well be ready to be mom and good luck. MWAH!!!

  7. I would seriously doubt it, but I guess it's possible.

  8. you should ovulate between the 14th & 16th aug.sperm in the body when cervical mucus is favorable lasts 3-5 days and can last for up to 7.if your sperm live 5-7 days then you should have caught it but its more likely that you have a better chance if you have s*x period was on the 2nd and we will ttc today for a week every 48 hours to max our chances....its best to do opk/temp tests to predict ovulation then you know exactly the best time to bd.

  9. Maybe or maybe not, nobody on here can give you a certain answer, best just to wait a couple weeks then do a hpt. good luck

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