
Will i ever do a split?

by  |  earlier

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i practice for 20 minutes a day, and i still can't do one. everybody in my ballet class can do one. i practice as much as they do. am i doing something wrong? dance is my world, but should i quit because i can't do a split? i want to do one, badly. any tips from other dancers???




  1. Keep stretching like everyone says, but lets say you don't ever get your split(worse case scenario), that doesn't mean your dance life is over, you can still be a great dancer if you can't do a perfect split, you just have to play up all your other assets and continue to work hard!

    Good luck getting your splits though, keep trying!

  2. well im not a dancer yet but my sisters a cheerleader and she used this website to get her splits and im in the prosses of getting mine. it really does work so use this and you'll have your splits in no time!

  3. stretch your hamstrings and do alot of stretches, keep praticing you will get it..I did! and Im not a dancer :) (just one of my goals)

  4. OMG I know how you feel. I was so mortified when I started ballet at a knew studio and EVERYONE could do them but me. I worked on them every day for about two months solid. I would warm up first. and then I would do 1 min on each side then 30 sec. then 20 then 10 then five and by the time I was down to one I had gotten so much farther like several inches every day. it takes alot of time and flexibility,and I still cant do middle splits. My teacher recommended a couple of stretches my favorite was this one where you lay on the graound with your bottom up against the wall (as close as you can get) and then you raise your legs against the wall and let them fall to the side. IT helps soo much.

    Hope this helps

    Riley Kate

  5. I had the same problem as you, but just try these stretches every single day before you do your splits:

    1) sit on the floor with your legs straight infront of you. Pointe and flex your toes as you try to touch your nose to your knees (do that for 30 seconds)

    2) Sit in stradle (with your legs out to the sides). Touch your nose to each of your knees, and to the floor in the middle, for thirty seconds every time.

    Those stretches helped me get my splits in only about a week, but I did those stretches twice a day, then sat in my splits for a minute or two after the stretches. Good Luck!!!!!

  6. yep if you just keep on stretching that split. stay in it for like at least 30 mins. at a time, or it won't do anything (like it won't help ya)

    that should be enough :)

  7. Well i am a dancer and dont worry you will get it i used to gymanstics and we would do right split for 10 min left split for 10 min and center splin for 10 min i really got it then lol

    You should DEFINETLY NOT QUIT if dance is your passion then dont let a split get in the way just practice a little more you may not be a flexible but i bet you are still a great dancer

    Try doing a each split 3 times a day once in the morning once in the afternoon and once at night and do them each for 5 min and i bet you will get it soon just try your hardest! im sure youll get it!

  8. I find that in order to get the best possible stretch for the splits either stack a few pillows on top of each other and then go into the splits. Or you could also stand very close to a wall and have one leg on the ground, one on the wall.  We call this a 6o'clock so that one leg should be on the ground and the other up in the air on the wall.  If you want to challenge yourself even more, move the leg on the ground out even more.  In no time you will have your splits down!

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