
Will i ever see her again?

by  |  earlier

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today i was signing up for classes for fall for my first year in community college, there was this girl ahead of me and she was so beautiful i have to meet her, I just really liked this girl a lot just the way she carried there a chance ill see her again?

is community college small enough to see the same people every time?

i mean if im looking for a girl at a community college will it be near to impossible?

also im a part of the school so ill be every where, i have to at least get to know this girl




  1. Unless she is in some of your classes, probably not.  I went to community college and the only people I saw more than once are people who had class at the same time and in the same building, or obviously those in my class.  Did you overhear any of the classes she was taking?    It's hard to meet people at community college because about 95% of the students leave and go home right after class.

  2. I'm sure you will see her around. Have a great day!

  3. Community college is small enough that you will probably see her again, especially if you take other steps like asking other people if they know a girl who fits her description.

    Moral of this story:  don't be shy!  Girls like confident guys. Next time, say something to her. You're at the same school so you automatically have something in common to talk about. Good luck.

  4. Yes, It is very possible you will see her again, in could be in a week or years

  5. may i suggest cutting off her head and placing it in your freezer next to your sorbets?

  6. there is always hope! Just be careful not to stalk her......

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