
Will i get Dishonorable Discharge???

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I did my oath for the national guard already, im suppose to leave next week , the 3rd!!

i dont want to go for several reasons...

can i get dishonrable discharge or will i just get re-3 code..

pleas help me




  1. you signed the dotted raised your hand...YOUR IN....go to basic and AIT and get it done.  Don't know the reasons why...but you need to follow through with your commitment!!!

  2. Do you want a dishonorable discharge???  

    Go, ( now) and talk to them and explain your position.  I assure you, it will be nothing they have never heard before.  It would depend on if you  gave them a valid reason, or just more of the same.

  3. Since you haven't left for basic yet, nothing will happen, since technically your not in the military until you leave, just tell your recruiter you want out

  4. Desertion is prison time before they hand you the dishonorable discharge.

    Really, try it for a while first before deserting. It might not be as bad as you fear. And if you do stick it out, there are advantages not found in civilian life. I mean, just how many civilians can squeeze rounds out of a m-60 machine gun 1 at a time ? Or even know that you fire short bursts to keep from over heating the barrel ? Can you set up a "Claymore" to a field phone generator, or booby trap the only retreat paths from an ambush site ?

    You might get an education in something else altogether, flight and aircraft maintenance, a medical field, electronics, etc.

    Backing out now is foolish to say the least.

  5. If you are officially sworn in, you may have to go.  They might put you in the guard house and court marshal you.  Instead of a Dishonorable Discharge you might get some other kind of less than honorable discharge such as a Bad Conduct Discharge, or a General Discharge due to inadaptability.

  6. What have u done

  7. Didn't some guy just get caught after going on the run (to Canada)  after he didn't show up for army duty? They call them deserters. Might want to check that it's not the same for the national guard!

  8. Why did you sign up in the first place? Just do your years and it will be done with in no time.

  9. So you make an adult decision and then decide that you want to be a child (I don't WANT to) and shirk your commitment?  Let's hope they will let you out and not put you in charge of anything I have already paid for...

  10. Grow up...  You made a choice,  you signed the papers,  you took the oath.   You either go or live with the consequences.   If they give you a dishonorable discharge you will have to live with that also.  

    I hope you like flipping burgers at fast food places.  

  11. You cannot get a dishonorable discharge and anyone who tells you that you will get one is just trying to pressure you.

    If you have not taken the second oath (which you typically take about 12-24 hours before you leave), you are not technically enlisted yet, so you will not receive any type of discharge.

    It will be VERY difficult to get a recruiter to work with you in the future, though, because it looks bad: Basically, when they're looking at your file, it will appear that you wasted a lot of your current recruiter's valuable time and backed out at the last minute; therefore, there's a high risk that you might do it again.

    Call your recruiter now and tell him why you've changed your mind.  He will probably try to talk you back into it, but don't be swayed.  Legally speaking, he has to let you "drop out" (so to speak).

  12. it is amazing how many of you people dont know what you're talking about. Wigoh 200 has the best answer so far. Either these people are idiots or are just offended that you're backing out. you will not truly absolutely and officially swear in until right before you leave, even at that moment, that very moment , they state "does anyone in this room have reservations because this is your last chance". It's not going to be easy to get out, but you can.(if you swore in already, that was just a formality really, the real one is right before you ship out)

  13. Don't quote me on this, but I know for a fact that they can't do ANYTHING to you at this point.

  14. Theyll scratch your name out and forget you ever existed.

  15. You signed, you don't go, it sounds like Brig time and dishonorable dischanrge!

  16. Since you have already done the paperwork and taken the oath, you are in and now officially a member of the military.  I don't know what your reasons are, nor do I care, but they will not likely be anything that can get you out of your service.  It's up to your command how they want to process it.  If you don't show up for basic, you're considered AWOL and can for sure get yourself a dishonorable discharge along with a job working at McDonalds for the rest of your life.  Face the decision you made and man up.

    wigoh2009 is completely wrong on this, do NOT listen to this individual, there is no 2nd oath in the Guard.  

    EDIT: Take the information you will wisely, but know that most people on here are talking about active duty when in fact they no nothing about the Guard.  The National Guard is totally different from active duty.  The Guard you're in as soon as you sign that paper and take the oath whereas with active duty you can bail out all the way up until you set foot at Basic.  Some people just don't understand that and are giving out false information because they think it all works the same - it doesn't.

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