
Will i get a six pack before 2009?

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If i do 60 sit ups and 60 crunches and jog everyday. Except for saturday and sunday will i get a six pack before 2009.




  1. Yes, if you're not really fat then you have plenty of time to get abs

  2. its not just crunches its a full body work out and also how many carbs you eat

  3. You need this book:

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  4. doing situps n crunches r good, but adding like cardio exercises that target abs r rlly great! i basically juz google them up n try anything i find n do them for about 35 mins n then 30 mins took me about 7-8months to get mine clean cut, but it rlly juz depends on the body type-average it takes a good year to get the abs in good shape, juz don't overdo it, always stop if ur abs r hurting-give a rest for couple days if it does n get back to routine after, good luck to u dude!

  5. Sure! You can get a six-pack no problem. The excerise is fine, the next big question is what are you eating? A diet of booze, chips, burgers and other high calorie, zero health junk is not going to help you with a six pack. Empty carbs are just going to cover those washboard abs with a bunch of laundry! Make every calorie COUNT!

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