
Will i get a ticket for driving at 75mph on duel carridgeway, police car driving on the otherside of the road?

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Will i get a ticket for driving at 75mph on duel carridgeway, police car driving on the otherside of the road?




  1. No you should be OK

  2. Very unlikely.

  3. if they are on the other side wud say 1% you will

  4. I would doubt it, he wouldn't have had time to clock you.

  5. ''wey not likely''...thats goerdie for no....

  6. Not from the Police car driving on the other side of the road you wont.

    Assuming that it was a national speed limit dual carriageway if your speedo was reading 75mph you probably would have been under the speed limit anyway. Speedometers are allowed an inaccuracy of 10% plus 2mph but can never show your speed as lower than it actually is so if you are travelling at 70mph your speedo could show anything between 70 (if it was 100% accurate) and 79.

  7. Highly unlikely you are only 5mph over the limit and it is very unlikely that you would be prosecuted for that I think you would have to be extremely unlucky.

  8. they can only use a speed device when they are stationery, otherwise they check the speed compared to theirs when on the same side of the road

  9. Probably not, but - you know the rules so do not complain when (not if) when you are caught.

  10. You shouldn't receive one, the Speed meter on the vehicle which you drive at the particular speed is acutally set slightly above the limit to allow some leaway, So driving at 75MPH may only be 70MPH. This is usually standard on most cars.

  11. I'd say no. It's usually a few mph +10% of your speed for a 'nick' at any particular speed limit. This would mean, at a limit of 70, you would have to be doing over 80. I think you can breathe OK on this one.

  12. yep i would say so

  13. No, you probably wont get a ticket, British police arent usually n***s when it comes to a few miles an hour over the speed limit and there is a very slim chance of them being able to get a device to work on the other side of the road as you say/.

  14.'re okay..

  15. If you say you were doing 75mph, and your speedometer is - as they usually do - over-recording by 10%, your actual speed was - theoretically - 67.5mph, which is just under the NSL for a dual carriageway, unless a lower limit applied at that point.

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